Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 05 - Philosophy and Philology >  Mediendramaturgie >  Lecture

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
03.135.16222 Media Law for Non-Lawyers - Introduction to Press-, Copyright- and Telemedia-Law
Stefan Michel
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
Lecture/practice class
05.054.595 Perspectives of Media Aesthetics: The Detail
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Siegel
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [18:15] - Tue, 4. Feb. 2020 [19:45]
05.174.680 Perspectives on the Analysis of Everyday Culture II: Medical Anthropology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Simon
Wed, 23. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
09.050.020 M2/M2ED Vorlesung: Einführung in die Humangeographie I (Wirtschaftsgeographie)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Tue, 28. Jan. 2020 [11:45]