Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, and Sports >  Psychologie >  2. Abteilungsübergreifende Veranstaltungen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
02.132.000000 Psychology in Criminal Law - an interdisciplinary course for prospective psychologists and lawyers
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Aileen Oeberst; Dr. Christoph Schallert
Th, 3. May 2018 [17:00] - Sat, 23. Jun. 2018 [18:00]
04.107.12890 Wirklichkeitsnahe Erfahrungen mit Psychotherapie - "Therapie unter der Lupe"
Dipl.-Psych. Hanna Preuss-van Viersen; Dipl.-Psych. Florian Hammerle
Mon, 24. Sep. 2018 [09:00] - Fri, 28. Sep. 2018 [15:00]
Compact course