Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich 05 - Philosophie und Philologie >  Philosophie >  Lektüreübungen an fremdsprachigen Texten

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
05.127.220 Berkley's Dialogues
PD Dr. habil. Helke Panknin-Schappert
Wed, 22. Apr. 2009 [14:15] - Wed, 22. Jul. 2009 [15:45]
05.127.220 Hume: An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
Dr. Lutz Baumann
Tue, 21. Apr. 2009 [08:30] - Tue, 21. Jul. 2009 [10:00]
Reading course
05.127.220 Hume: Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Dr. Daniel Schmicking
Wed, 22. Apr. 2009 [16:15] - Wed, 22. Jul. 2009 [17:45]
Reading course