Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 09 - Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Geoscience >  Institut für Geowissenschaften >  Pflichtveranstaltungen bis zur Diplom-Hauptprüfung Geologie/Paläontologie Voraussetzung bestandenes Vordiplom

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
09.065.295 Lecture and Practice: Paleontology II
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Reinhard Schöne; Prof. Dr. Thomas Tütken
Wed, 18. Oct. 2017 [16:00] - Th, 8. Feb. 2018 [11:30]
Lecture/practice class
09.065.M501 Lecture and Practice: Earth and Life History
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Reinhard Schöne; Prof. Dr. Thomas Tütken
Mon, 16. Oct. 2017 [10:30] - Mon, 5. Feb. 2018 [12:15]
Lecture/practice class
09.065.M511 Lecture: Instrumental Analytics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Kersten
Tue, 17. Oct. 2017 [08:30] - Tue, 6. Feb. 2018 [10:00]
09.065.M522 Lecture and Practice: Metamorphic Petrogenesis
Dr Steven David Boger; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Botcharnikov; Prof. Dr. Jonathan Castro; Dr. Christoph Helo
Mon, 16. Oct. 2017 [16:00] - Mon, 5. Feb. 2018 [18:00]
Lecture/practice class
09.065.M523 Lecture and Practice: Igneous Petrogenesis
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Botcharnikov; Dr. phil. nat. Stephan Buhre
Wed, 18. Oct. 2017 [11:00] - Wed, 7. Feb. 2018 [13:00]
Lecture/practice class