Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 07 - History and Cultural Studies >  Egyptology >  Seminars

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Team Seminar: Ancient Egyptian Cursive Scripts - Challenges of research
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen
Th, 22. Apr. 2021 [14:15] - Th, 15. Jul. 2021 [15:45]
online: Staff seminar
07.848.1035 Geschichte und Objekte ägyptologischer Sammlungen weltweit: Vorbereitung einer virtuellen Exkursion
Dr. Simone Gerhards
Wed, 14. Apr. 2021 [14:15] - Wed, 14. Jul. 2021 [15:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1245 Saqqara
Dr. Monika Zöller-Engelhardt
Th, 15. Apr. 2021 [14:15] - Th, 15. Jul. 2021 [15:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1255 Middle Egyptian Reading: The Papyri with the narrative of Sinuhe (Hieratic for Beginners)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen
Th, 15. Apr. 2021 [10:15] - Th, 15. Jul. 2021 [11:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1270 Demotisch II
Jannik Korte M.A.
Fri, 16. Apr. 2021 [10:15] - Fri, 16. Jul. 2021 [11:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1275 Epigraphy, palaeography, text edition and analysis: philological methods in Egyptology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen
Mon, 12. Apr. 2021 [14:15] - Mon, 12. Jul. 2021 [15:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1280 Heaven, Home, Underworld: Concepts, places and practices for the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen
Tue, 13. Apr. 2021 [16:15] - Tue, 13. Jul. 2021 [17:45]
online: Seminar
07.848.1285 Altgrabungen in Ägypten - ENTFÄLLT!
Dr. Monika Zöller-Engelhardt
Wed, 14. Apr. 2021 [12:15] - Wed, 14. Jul. 2021 [13:45]
online: Seminar