Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, and Sports >  Sportwissenschaft >  Modul 6 B.Ed.: Elementare Bewegungsfelder und weitere Sportarten

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
02.098.124 Psycho-motoric and Games for motoric-development
Dr. Brunhilde Schumann-Schmid
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [14:15] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [15:00]
Seminar with practice class
02.098.126 Other Activities
Dr. Hendrik Beckmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schöllhorn
Seminar with practice class
02.098.126 Other Activities
Gerd Neuburger
Mon, 11. Jan. 2021 [16:45] - Wed, 31. Mar. 2021 [18:45]
online: Basics class
02.098.127 Teaching Methodology Fitness and Medical Sports
Dr. Patrick Hegen
Seminar with practice class