Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich 06 - Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft >  Englisch >  Proseminare

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
06.008.0021 PS Die Psychologie des Lesens und Übersetzens
Moritz Schaeffer
Wed, 28. Oct. 2015 [14:40] - Fri, 15. Jan. 2016 [12:50]
06.008.0021 PS Mehrsprachigkeit und Kognition
Saskia Jünemann
Mon, 19. Oct. 2015 [14:40] - Mon, 1. Feb. 2016 [16:10]
06.008.0031 PS American Voices
Dr. Ines Veauthier
Wed, 21. Oct. 2015 [09:40] - Wed, 3. Feb. 2016 [11:10]
06.008.0031 PS Dickens, Darwin & Doyle: Technologies of the Victorian Age
Kylie Ann Crane
Th, 22. Oct. 2015 [11:20] - Th, 4. Feb. 2016 [12:50]
06.008.0031 PS Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest: Comedy, Satire, Cultural Criticism, and Problems for Translation
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller
Tue, 20. Oct. 2015 [09:40] - Tue, 2. Feb. 2016 [11:10]
06.008.0031 PS Subversive Fictions: American Literature between Enlightenment and Romanticism
Dr. Klaus Schmidt
Th, 22. Oct. 2015 [09:40] - Th, 4. Feb. 2016 [11:10]
06.008.0031 PS Tasmania
Kylie Ann Crane
Fri, 23. Oct. 2015 [09:40] - Fri, 5. Feb. 2016 [11:10]
06.008.0031 PS Victorian Ghost Stories
Ronald Walker
Fri, 23. Oct. 2015 [11:20] - Fri, 5. Feb. 2016 [12:50]