Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich 06 - Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft >  Englisch >  Hauptseminare

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
06.008.0508 HS Literary and Media Translations plus Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller
Mon, 28. Apr. 2014 [09:40] - Mon, 21. Jul. 2014 [11:10]
Advanced seminar
06.008.0508 HS Paul Auster: Poet, Novelist, Translator
Prof. Dr. Jutta Ernst
Th, 24. Apr. 2014 [09:40] - Th, 24. Jul. 2014 [11:10]
Advanced seminar
06.008.0508 HS Theme Park Studies in Theory and Practice
Prof. Dr. Jutta Ernst; Florian Freitag
Mon, 28. Apr. 2014 [16:20] - Mon, 21. Jul. 2014 [17:50]
Advanced seminar
06.008.0508 HS Walter Scott's Romantic Ideas of History: Ivanhoe & Waverley
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller
Tue, 22. Apr. 2014 [14:40] - Tue, 22. Jul. 2014 [16:10]
Advanced seminar
06.008.0518 HS Translatorische Kompetenz
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra; Dr. Sascha Hofmann
Tue, 29. Apr. 2014 [09:40] - Tue, 22. Jul. 2014 [11:10]
Advanced seminar