Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich 06 - Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft >  Englisch >  Proseminare

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
06.008.030 Proseminar (Kw/stw) "Abolitionism in Black and White: Frederick Douglass's 'Narrative' (1845) and Harriet Beecher Stowe's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' (1852)"
Dr. Klaus Schmidt
Th, 29. Oct. 2009 [14:40] - Th, 11. Feb. 2010 [16:10]
06.008.030 Proseminar (kw) "Just Say The Word - The Ambivalence of Power"
Dr. Ines Veauthier
Th, 29. Oct. 2009 [18:00] - Th, 11. Feb. 2010 [19:30]
06.008.030 Proseminar (kw) "The Gothic Tradition in American Literature"
Dr. Claudia Türk
Mon, 26. Oct. 2009 [09:40] - Mon, 8. Feb. 2010 [11:10]
06.008.030 Proseminar (kw) "Victorian Underworlds"
Ronald Walker
Fri, 30. Oct. 2009 [14:40] - Fri, 12. Feb. 2010 [16:10]
06.008.040 Proseminar (kw/stw) "William Shakespeare, 'As You Like It'""
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller
Tue, 27. Oct. 2009 [09:40] - Tue, 9. Feb. 2010 [11:10]
06.008.040 Proseminar (stw) "Neologisms in Contemporary American English"
Michael Trabert
Wed, 28. Oct. 2009 [18:00] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2010 [19:30]
06.008.040 Proseminar (stw) "Übersetzen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts - Fakten, Bilder, Stereotype"
Dipl.-Übers. Heiko Ahmann
Th, 29. Oct. 2009 [11:20] - Th, 11. Feb. 2010 [12:50]
06.008.253 Proseminar/Übung "Dolmetschen in Theorie und Praxis - Einführung in die Dolmetschwissenschaft "
Stephanie Kader
Wed, 28. Oct. 2009 [09:40] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2010 [11:10]