Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 05 - Philosophy and Philology >  Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism >  Modul 5: Sprach- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten II

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
05.890.120 Swedish II
Anne Händel
Fri, 21. Apr. 2017 [08:00] - Fri, 14. Jul. 2017 [12:00]
Language course
05.890.180 Latvian II
Dr. Sarmite Trupa
Tue, 18. Apr. 2017 [10:00] - Th, 13. Jul. 2017 [12:00]
Language course
05.890.200 Lithuanian II
Dr. Aurelija Tamosiunaite
Wed, 19. Apr. 2017 [10:00] - Wed, 12. Jul. 2017 [12:00]
Language course
05.890.625 Socio- and Discourse Linguistics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa
Tue, 18. Apr. 2017 [14:00] - Tue, 11. Jul. 2017 [16:00]