Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, and Sports >  Sportwissenschaft >  Bachelor of Arts Sport und Sportwissenschaft (ab SoSe 2012) >  Modul 7a B.A.: Individualsportart II - Schwimmen (Bewegen im Wasser)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
02.029.0741 Teaching Methodology Swimming 1
Dr. Robert Collette
Wed, 17. Oct. 2018 [14:00] - Wed, 13. Feb. 2019 [15:00]
Seminar with practice class
02.029.0742 Teaching Methodology Swimming 2
Dr. Robert Collette
Seminar with practice class
02.029.0743 Theory of Swimming Sports
Dr. Robert Collette
Mon, 15. Oct. 2018 [11:00] - Mon, 11. Feb. 2019 [12:00]