Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 06 - Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies >  Deutsch >  Bachelor of Arts Sprache, Kultur, Translation >  Translationswissenschaft (Fach Deutsch)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
06.880.0052 S Translation GE
Dr. Stephan Walter
Mon, 16. Oct. 2017 [13:00] - Mon, 5. Feb. 2018 [14:30]
Seminar/practice class
06.880.0202 Ü/PS TW: Unterwegs im Schlaraffenland: Translationswissenschaftliche Analyse von Märchentexten
Dr. Mahmoud Afifi Abou El Ella Hassanein
Tue, 17. Oct. 2017 [16:20] - Tue, 6. Feb. 2018 [17:50]
Seminar/practice class
06.880.0505 V/Ü TW: Vorlesung zu Translationswissenschaft
Univ.-Prof. Dilek Dizdar
Wed, 18. Oct. 2017 [11:20] - Wed, 7. Feb. 2018 [12:50]
Lecture/practice class