Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, and Sports >  Psychologie >  6. Master of Science Psychologie - klinisch gesundheitsbezogen >  6.2. Schwerpunktthemen >  6.2.2. Differentielle Gesundheitspsychologie und Emotionsregulation

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
02.132.2290 Differentielle Gesundheitspsychologie und Emotionsregulation I
Mario Wenzel
Th, 21. Apr. 2016 [12:15] - Th, 21. Jul. 2016 [13:45]
02.132.2300 Differential Health Psychology and Emotion Regulation - Advanced
Mario Wenzel
Th, 21. Apr. 2016 [12:15] - Th, 21. Jul. 2016 [13:45]