Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 04 - Human Medicine and Dentistry >  Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde und Phoniatrie/Pädaudiologie >  Wahlunterrichtsveranstaltungen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
04.107.HNO001 Basics of cell biology
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brieger
Work placement
04.107.HNO003 Molecular medicine
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brieger
04.107.HNO005 Tutorial in Otorhinolaryngology
Prof. Dr. Juergen Brieger; PD Dr. Kai Helling; Dr. Anne K. Läßig; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Matthias; Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; Prof. Dr. Sebastian Strieth; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO006 Chemical Biomedicine - Academic drug development
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül
Work placement
04.107.HNO007 Innovative topics in Oncology
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO009 Inner ear research - considerations of experimental and clinical aspects
PD Dr. Kai Helling
04.107.HNO010 Intensive Course of Head and Neck Sonography
PD Dr. Kai Fruth
Compact course
04.107.HNO011 Digitization process in ENT-Surgery.
Prof. Dr. Burkard Lippert
04.107.HNO012 Determinants at bio-(nano)material interfaces to promote clinical translation (BioMAS)
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; Prof. Dr. Sebastian Strieth
04.107.HNO013 Innovative topics in Oncology
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO014 Journal Club
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO015 Methods in tumour therapy
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül
Work placement/seminar
04.107.HNO016 Methods in tumour therapy
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül
04.107.HNO017 Olfaction - From physiology through testing methods to clinical cases
apl. Prof. Dr. Boris Haxel
04.107.HNO018 Nanobiomedicine
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber
04.107.HNO019 W: Diplomanden- und Doktorandenseminar
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; PD Dr. rer. nat. Desiree Gül; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO020 Molecular cancer research - mechanisms and methods
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber
04.107.HNO021 Basics of facial plastic surgery
PD Dr. Kai Fruth