Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 04 - Human Medicine and Dentistry >  Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde und Phoniatrie/Pädaudiologie >  Wahlunterrichtsveranstaltungen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
04.107.10009 Instruction working autonomously
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brieger
04.107.HNO005 Tutorial in Otorhinolaryngology
Prof. Dr. Juergen Brieger; PD Dr. Kai Helling; Dr. Anne K. Läßig; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Matthias; Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
04.107.HNO006 Chemical Biomedicine - Academic drug development
Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber
Work placement
04.107.HNO010 Intensive Course of Head and Neck Sonography
PD Dr. Kai Fruth
Compact course
04.107.HNO017 Olfaction - From physiology through testing methods to clinical cases
apl. Prof. Dr. Boris Haxel
04.107.HNO021 Basics of facial plastic surgery
PD Dr. Kai Fruth