Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 07 - History and Cultural Studies >  Musikwissenschaft >  Übungen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
07.095.1000 Latein für Anfänger (Übung A)
Dr. Daniel Groß
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [12:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [13:45]
Practice class
07.095.1000 Latein für Anfänger (Übung B)
Dr. Wolfram Brinker
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [12:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [13:45]
Practice class
07.095.1000 Latein für Anfänger (Übung C)
Dr. Jochen Walter
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [12:15] - Fri, 7. Feb. 2020 [11:45]
Practice class
07.095.1010 Latein für Fortgeschrittene
Dr. Wolfram Brinker
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [16:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [17:45]
Practice class
07.095.1010 Latein für Fortgeschrittene (Frühjahr 2020)
Siegfried Alexander Benthien
Mon, 2. Mar. 2020 [08:30] - Fri, 27. Mar. 2020 [12:00]
Practice class
07.114.010 Introduction to Musicology
Martin Bierwisch
Fri, 18. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Fri, 7. Feb. 2020 [11:45]
Practice class
07.114.020 Methods and Problems of Musicology
Lavinia Hantelmann; Chantal Köppl
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
Practice class
07.114.030 Music History in Examples (incl. Tutorial)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Beer
Mon, 21. Oct. 2019 [08:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [09:45]
Practice class
07.114.040 Form and Musical Texture
Stephan Münch
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [08:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [09:45]
Practice class
07.114.050 Form and Musical Analysis
Andreas Karthäuser
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
Practice class
07.114.060 Historical Theory of Composition I
Andreas Karthäuser
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [16:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [17:45]
Practice class
07.114.090 Historical Theory of Composition III
Stephan Münch
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Tue, 4. Feb. 2020 [11:45]
Practice class
07.114.1610 Musical Analysis I
Stephan Münch
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [08:15] - Tue, 4. Feb. 2020 [09:45]
Practice class
07.114.200 Applied Musicology
Dr. Albert Graef
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
Practice class
07.114.230 Applied Course Music and Media / Music and other Arts
Dr. Thorsten Hindrichs
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [16:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [17:45]
Practice class
07.114.240 Fundamental Course Musicological Practice
Chantal Köppl; Jasmin Martina Seib
Fri, 18. Oct. 2019 [08:15] - Fri, 7. Feb. 2020 [09:45]
Practice class
07.114.250 Music and Technics
Prof. Dr. Ursula Kramer
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [18:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [19:45]
Practice class
07.114.260 Instrumentation / Orchestration
Stephan Münch
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [16:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [17:45]
Practice class
07.114.520 Ü. Musikwissenschaft im Forschungsdiskurs
Jutta Toelle
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [14:15] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [15:45]
Practice class
07.114.530 Ü.Musik und Musiker am Mittelrhein – ein Lexikon entsteht
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Beer
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [11:45]
Practice class
07.114.560 Ü. Musik als »Sprache« – Analogien, Modelle, Analysen.
Stephan Münch
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [10:15] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [11:45]
Practice class
07.114.590 Ü. Lateinische Quellentexte zur Musikgeschichte
Dr. Wolfram Brinker; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Pietschmann
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [16:15] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [17:45]
Practice class