Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 04 - Human Medicine and Dentistry >  Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
04.107.2465 Q1 - Epidemiology, medical biostatistics and medical informatics
Dr.rer.nat. Torsten Panholzer; Oliver Bayer; Britta Büchler; Matthias Büttner; Dr. Emilio Gianicolo; Manuel Herbst; Dorothee Malonga Makosi; Philipp Mildenberger; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konstantin Strauch; Gerrit Toenges
Mon, 18. Oct. 2021 [18:30] - Mon, 31. Jan. 2022 [19:15]
online: Work placement
04.107.2475 History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine
Dr. Nikolai Münch; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Norbert Paul; Dr. Gertrud Greif-Higer; Martin Kiechle
Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2490 Q 4 Infectiology, Immunology
Dr. Martin Stefan Dennebaum; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Husmann; Dr. Thomas Kerz; Prof. Dr. Heinz J. J. Schmitt; Dr. Thomas Schwanz; Dr. Ekkehard Siegel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tim Sparwasser; Dr. Eric Hanke; Dr. Nadja Joß; Dr. Jens Kittner; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bodo Plachter; PD Dr. Martin Franz Sprinzl
online: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2500 Q5: clinical-pathological conference
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beate Straub; Dr. Alexander Bogumil; Dr. Jörg Jäkel; Dr. Elke Kohlwes; PD Dr. Andreas Kreft; Prof. Dr. Burkard Lippert; Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Porubsky; Dr. Arno Schad; PD Dr. med. Larissa Seidmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Clemens Sommer; PD Dr. Andrea Teifke; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
hybrid: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2510 Q 6 Clinical Enviromental Medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Buhl; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Letzel; Prof. Dr. Michael Pietsch; Prof. Dr. Joachim Saloga; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred E. Beutel
online: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2525 Interdisciplinaty lecture series: problems and diseases of old age and aging people
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Buhl; Prof. Dr. Roland Hardt; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leszek Wojnowski; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Wölfel; Prof. Dr. med Tobias Huber; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Jansky
online: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2530 Q 8 - Emergency medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristin Engelhard; Dr. Benno Wolcke; Prof. Dr. med. Dorothee Bremerich; Dr. med. Roland Conradi; Dr. Nicole Didion; Dr. med. Clemens Eichelsbacher; Dr. med. Andreas Garcia-Bardon; PD Dr. med. Eva-Verena Griemert; PD Dr. Erik Kristoffer Hartmann; Thorsten Hotz; Ralph Huth; PD Dr. med. Slavomir Krajnak; Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Kreitner; PD Dr. med. Marc Kriege; Dr. Carsten Lott; Dr. Nikolai Münch; Dr. Thomas Ott; PD Dr. med. Robert Rümmler; PD Dr. Patrick Schramm; Dr. Andreas Stürer; Dr. Ralph Timaru-Kast; Dr. Alexander Ziebart; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
Fri, 22. Oct. 2021 [15:00] - Fri, 4. Feb. 2022 [16:00]
hybrid: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2545 Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
PD Dr. Yaroslav Winter; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leszek Wojnowski; Prof. Dr. Ellen Closs; Prof. Dr. Cornelia Dietrich; PD Dr. habil. Susanne Englisch; PD Dr. Christian Fottner; PD Dr. Thomas Kindler; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kleinert; Dr. Torsten Konrad; Dr. med. Daniel Korczynski; Prof. Dr. Irene Kraemer; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Huige Li; Prof. Dr. Martin Michel; Prof. Dr. Andrea Pautz; Dr. Michael Schuster; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schwarting; PD Dr. Martin Franz Sprinzl; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maja Tomicic-Christmann; Dr. med. Hauke Wiegand; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Wölfel
hybrid: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2550 Complementary Course on Prevention and Health Promotion
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Faber; Dr. Oliver Nitsche; Prof. Dr. Oliver Bartsch
online: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2560 Interdisciplinary Course: Imaging, Radiotherapy and Radiation Protection
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Brockmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Düber; Prof. Dr. Peter Mildenberger; PD Dr. Katja Oberholzer; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Schmidberger; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Schreckenberger; PD Dr. Andrea Teifke; Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Roman Kloeckner; Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Kreitner; PD Dr. Arnulf Mayer; PD Dr. Matthias Miederer; Prof. Dr. Michael B. Pitton; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
Mon, 7. Feb. 2022 [09:00] - Mon, 7. Feb. 2022 [10:30]
Interdisciplinary course
04.107.2575 Interdisciplinary teaching module Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Claus; Dr. Christoph Deynet; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Jansky; Dr. Ulrich Kau; Andrea Winzer
hybrid: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.4110 Q13 Palliative Care
Dr. med. Marion Ferner; Dr. med. Christina Gerlach; Dr. med Sandra Kurz; Dipl.-Psych. Sandra Mai; Dr. med. Ulrike Reinholz; Dr. Michael Schuster; Dr. med. Rainer Schwab; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Maria Weber; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
hybrid: Interdisciplinary course
04.107.4190 Q3: Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitssysteme, Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen (neue PO) [t]
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Letzel; Univ-Prof. Dr. Dirk-Matthias Rose; und zus. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen
online: Lecture
04.108.2525 Interdisciplinaty lecture series: problems and diseases of old age and aging people
Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Maschke; Dr. Achim Bernhard; Dr. med. Annika Schmidt
Tue, 19. Oct. 2021 [16:00] - Tue, 30. Nov. 2021 [17:00]
Interdisciplinary course
04.108.2545 Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
Prof. Dr. Julia Weinmann-Menke; PD Dr. Yaroslav Winter; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leszek Wojnowski; Prof. Dr. Ellen Closs; Prof. Dr. Cornelia Dietrich; PD Dr. habil. Susanne Englisch; PD Dr. Christian Fottner; Prof. Dr. med. Florian Heid; PD Dr. Thomas Kindler; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kleinert; Dr. Torsten Konrad; Prof. Dr. Irene Kraemer; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Huige Li; Prof. Dr. Martin Michel; Prof. Dr. Andrea Pautz; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schwarting; Dr. Ekkehard Siegel; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maja Tomicic-Christmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Wölfel
Interdisciplinary course
04.108.2550 Complementary Course on Prevention and Health Promotion
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Faber; Dr. Oliver Nitsche; PD Dr. med. Wolfgang Thomas
Interdisciplinary course