Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 01 - Catholic Theology and Protestant Theology >  Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät >  Neues Testament

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Der Jakobusbrief
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Horn
Fri, 28. Oct. 2016 [09:15] - Fri, 10. Feb. 2017 [10:00]
Reading course
Neutestamentliche Handschriften
Dr. habil. Dieter Roth
Sat, 12. Nov. 2016 [10:00] - Sat, 21. Jan. 2017 [17:00]
Practice class
01.053.009 Introduction to the New Testament
Dr. habil. Dieter Roth
Th, 27. Oct. 2016 [16:15] - Th, 9. Feb. 2017 [17:45]
01.053.012 Zentrale neutestamentliche Texte und ihre Rezeption (LB-3D/BB-3D/LB-6D/BB-6D)
Dr. theol. Susanne Luther
Fri, 28. Oct. 2016 [12:15] - Fri, 10. Feb. 2017 [13:45]
Practice class
01.053.024 Exegetische Methoden des Neuen Testaments (LB-6A/BB-6A)
Dr. habil. Dieter Roth
Wed, 26. Oct. 2016 [14:15] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [15:45]
01.053.027 Streitfall Biblische Sexualethik (LB-6D/BB-6D/LB-3D/BB-3D)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Horn
Wed, 26. Oct. 2016 [10:15] - Wed, 8. Feb. 2017 [11:45]
Practice class
01.053.070 Christology in the Synoptic Gospels
Dr. habil. Dieter Roth
Tue, 25. Oct. 2016 [10:15] - Tue, 7. Feb. 2017 [11:45]
01.053.070 Paul in Recent English-Speaking Scholarship (LB-6B/BB-6B/LM-10B)
Dr. habil. Dieter Roth
01.053.070 Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte (LB-6B/BB-6B)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Horn
Fri, 28. Oct. 2016 [10:15] - Fri, 10. Feb. 2017 [11:45]
01.053.630 Die christliche Taufe (LM-10B)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Horn
Th, 27. Oct. 2016 [16:15] - Th, 9. Feb. 2017 [17:45]
01.053.645 Die Heilige Schrift im frühen Christentum (LM-10E)
apl. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Scriba
Sat, 12. Nov. 2016 [10:00] - Sat, 10. Dec. 2016 [17:00]
01.053.645 Die Petrusbriefe und der Judasbrief (LM-10E)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Horn
Mon, 24. Oct. 2016 [10:15] - Mon, 6. Feb. 2017 [11:45]