Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 06 - Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies >  English >  Seminars

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
06.008.0026 S How to Capture the Complexity of Multilingualism and Translation?
Moritz Schaeffer
Mon, 14. Oct. 2019 [13:00] - Mon, 3. Feb. 2020 [14:30]
06.008.0036 S/PC From Stereotypes to Human Beings: Revisionist Takes on U.S. Blue-Collar Life in Contemporary Southern Fiction and Film
Dr. Klaus Schmidt
Th, 17. Oct. 2019 [09:40] - Th, 6. Feb. 2020 [11:10]
06.008.0202 S German Easy Language: Theoretical Background in the Context of Accessible Communication
Silke Gutermuth; Anne-Kathrin Wellmann
Tue, 15. Oct. 2019 [13:00] - Tue, 4. Feb. 2020 [14:30]
06.008.0662 S Sites of Memory: Shaping Reality and Identity? (MA)
Dr. Ines Veauthier
Wed, 16. Oct. 2019 [11:20] - Wed, 5. Feb. 2020 [12:50]