Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 05 - Philosophy and Philology >  Mediendramaturgie >  Seminar

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
05.054.555 Forms of Narration of Audiovisual Media: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
PD Dr. Bernd Kiefer
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Th, 11. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
online: Seminar
05.054.600 Politics of Representation: Look back in anger – On the history, politics and aesthetics of Third Cinema
Jun. -Prof. Dr. Cecilia Valenti
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [16:15] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [17:45]
online: Seminar
05.054.615 Current Research Topics: The Politics of Abstraction
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Siegel
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [14:15] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [15:45]
online: Seminar
05.658.19_570 Introduction to Media Historiography: Black Light: Towards an international cinema counter-canon
Dr. Gregory John de Cuir Jr.
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [12:15] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [13:45]
online: Seminar
05.658.19_595 Current Research Topics in Media Dramaturgy: Gestures and Films
Dr. Rebecca Boguska
Wed, 4. Nov. 2020 [14:15] - Wed, 10. Feb. 2021 [15:45]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_625 FTMK interdisciplinary: Intercultural Communication: concepts, theoretical principles, fields of practice
Dr. Theresa Perabo
Tue, 10. Nov. 2020 [12:15] - Tue, 9. Feb. 2021 [13:45]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_625 FTMK interdisciplinary: Masks and Masquerades
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider Hediger
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [09:00] - Th, 11. Feb. 2021 [11:00]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_625 FTMK interdisciplinary: Observations from Above – Scenes of Overlooking
Dr. Annika Wehrle
Mon, 2. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Mon, 8. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_630 FTMK interdisciplinary II: Intercultural Communication: concepts, theoretical principles, fields of practice
Dr. Theresa Perabo
Tue, 10. Nov. 2020 [12:15] - Tue, 9. Feb. 2021 [13:45]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_630 FTMK interdisciplinary II: Observations from Above – Scenes of Overlooking
Dr. Annika Wehrle
Mon, 2. Nov. 2020 [10:15] - Mon, 8. Feb. 2021 [11:45]
online: Seminar
05.KuTheFi.19_630 FTMK interdisciplinary: Masks and Masquerades
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider Hediger
Th, 5. Nov. 2020 [09:00] - Th, 11. Feb. 2021 [11:00]
online: Seminar