Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 10 - Biology >  Studiengang Master "Biologie" >  Wahlpflichtbereich "Erweiterte Qualifikationen" (Modul 17) im 3. und 4. Fachsemester

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
08.079.387 Introduction to Bioinformatics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Gerber
Wed, 17. Oct. 2018 [12:00] - Wed, 13. Feb. 2019 [14:00]
Lecture/practice class
10.026.1055 Introduction to Epigenetics
Tue, 16. Oct. 2018 [08:15] - Tue, 5. Feb. 2019 [09:45]
Lecture series
10.026.1058 Grundlagen und Grundkompetenzen der Sammlungskuration am Herbarium MJG
apl. Prof. Dr. Gudrun Kadereit
Lecture/practice class
10.026.260 Strahlung in Forschung, Technik und Alltag
Dr. Frank Depoix
Th, 8. Nov. 2018 [17:15] - Th, 24. Jan. 2019 [18:45]
10.026.650 Laboratory Animal Science
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Josef Reifenberg; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum
Mon, 8. Oct. 2018 [09:15] - Fri, 12. Oct. 2018 [13:00]
10.026.ZQ1 Introduction to the patent law for biologists
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Saaler-Reinhardt
Mon, 15. Oct. 2018 [17:00] - Mon, 11. Feb. 2019 [18:30]
Lecture/practice class