Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty 02 - Social Sciences, Media, and Sports >  Sportwissenschaft >  Master of Science Sportwissenschaft: Movement and Wellbeing (ab SoSe 2019) >  Modul 09: Schlüsselqualifikationen

Please note (see PO §2 Para. 2.6):

Students without a Bachelor's degree in Sport, Exercise or Sport Science must complete a total of at least 6 SWS from the following areas I-III in Module 9.2, with 2 SWS in each area:

Area I: Movement and Exercise Science or Sports Psychology or Sports Medicine:
- 02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Anatomical Basics) - (SuSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Physiological Basics) - (SuSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.098.108 Fundamentals of Exercise Science (WiSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science (WiSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology (WiSe) - 2 SWS

Area II: Sports Education or Sociology of Sport or History of Sport:
- 02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sociology of Sport (SuSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sports History (WiSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sports Education (WiSe) - 2 SWS

Area III: Statistics and Research Methods.
- 02.029.117 Statistics in Sport (WiSe) - 2 SWS
- 02.098.104a Qualitative Research Methods (WiSe) - 1 SWS
- 02.098.104b Quantitative Research Methods (WiSe) - 1 SWS

These courses must be completed with a joint examination (20 min. oral, or 45 min. written examination - depending on the course offered). Translated with (free version)