03.135.16420 U.S. Law in International Business


Lehrende/r: Will Hamby-Hopkins

Veranstaltungsart: Sprachkurs

Anzeige im Stundenplan: U.S. Law

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 50

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Dozent: Mr. William Hamby-Hopkins

U.S. Law in International Business will focus on aspects of American law that are most likely to affect attorneys practicing outside the U.S. This will include U.S. jurisdiction over foreign companies and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Imagine this: your client, a large German manufacturer, produces automotive parts and sells them to the U.S. auto industry. On vacation in the U.S., your client’s CEO is handed papers indicating that the company is being sued in New York. Hundreds of people claim to have been injured in car accidents because of a defect in your client’s manufacturing, and they have filed their claims in a single suit. Your client wants to get out of the suit and asks for your advice.
Or this: another client, a large German clothing producer trading on the US stock market, wants to begin selling goods to smaller developing countries. In one country, the client discovers that it must obtain a license to conduct business. Practically speaking, obtaining this license requires a large cash payment to a government minister. Several smaller competitors have already made the payment and are profiting in the new market. Nonetheless, the company seeks your advice: what are the potential consequences for making the payment?

Zusätzliche Informationen:
The class is taught in English. At the end of the semester, there will be a computer-administered exam. Those who pass will receive the Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency (Fremdsprachenschein) necessary for graduation from the School of Law.

Die Veranstaltung ist in die folgenden Kleingruppen aufgeteilt:
  • U.S. Business Law 1, Do 08:30-10 Uhr, RW 5

    Will Hamby-Hopkins

    Do, 23. Apr. 2015 [08:30]-Do, 23. Jul. 2015 [10:00]

  • U.S. Business Law 2, Do 16:15-17:45, RW 4

    Will Hamby-Hopkins

    Do, 23. Apr. 2015 [16:15]-Do, 23. Jul. 2015 [17:45]

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Will Hamby-Hopkins