06.008.543 Ü Subtitling from German into English: Norms, Techniques and Character Development (MA)


Lehrende/r: Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 06.008.543

Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 15

Prioritätsschema: Senatsrichtlinie
Zulassung gemäß Richtlinie über den Zugang zu teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen vom 07. März 2007.

Nähere Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de/senatsrichtlinie

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
An introduction to the norms and praxis of subtitling, with a focus on the subtitling of foreign films in English.

This course is designed specifically for MA students who have never had a course in subtitling before! We will move along more quickly and go more deeply into subtitling than you might in a BA course, but we will start at the beginning, focusing on the norms and techniques of subtiling, and this might well be a repetition for you if you have already completed a subtitling course.

In addition to a series of exercises using sample films that reveal the complexities and difficulties of subtitling, students will undertake a fairly substantial subtitling project of their own. They may choose a film in any source language they master, but the target language must be English.

In addition to basic subtitling skills, a special effort will be made to focus on character development and absolute precision.

After brainstorming about the nature and value of subtitles, we will investigate international norms of subtitling in terms of timing, punctuation and syntax. We will study all of the norms on the basis of film clips that have already been subtitled -- for better or for worse!

In a second stage, we will take a closer look at style and character development in subtitling. As we will be working only from other languages INTO English, this will be an additional opportunity for you to develop your translating skills in terms of breaking away from original language structures and communicating SENSE in a condensed written forms. It is expected that will serve you well in your future work as professional language mediators, whether you ever work as subtitlers or not!

Students whose first language is not German or English are welcome to participate in the course as long as their English is at a decent (C-language) level at least. ALL of our subtitling work will be INTO English. Source material can be in any language and need not necessarily be German!

Empfohlene Literatur:
You will be provided with a set of articles on subtitling at our first class session. We also have multiple copies of several excellent books on subtitling in the reserve section of the library. Information will be provided to you on those titles when we meet for the first time.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Plenty of time will be provided to you DURING our course for you to pursue and complete your own subtitling projects (in pairs). It is strongly recommended that a considerable portion of this work be done in class so that the instructor can provide help. In particular, the instructor will be available to check and help you with the language of your subtitles.

Each collaborative pair of students will present its work to the rest of the class during the last two class sessions. The entire group will assess the quality of the subtitles and the grades given by the other students will comprise a major part of the final grade earned in the course.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mi, 24. Okt. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
2 Mi, 31. Okt. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
3 Mi, 7. Nov. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
4 Mi, 14. Nov. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
5 Mi, 21. Nov. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
6 Mi, 28. Nov. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
7 Mi, 5. Dez. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
8 Mi, 12. Dez. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
9 Mi, 19. Dez. 2012 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
10 Mi, 9. Jan. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
11 Mi, 16. Jan. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
12 Mi, 23. Jan. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
13 Mi, 30. Jan. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
14 Mi, 6. Feb. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.158 Unterrichtsraum Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
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Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly