02.052.101 European Strategies in Lifelong Learning


Lehrende/r: Prof. Licinio Lima

Veranstaltungsart: Mittelseminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Europ.Strategies LLL

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 10

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Zuordnung Diplom: 1.1 und 1.3

Before starting the Course students must read the two mentioned papers written by C.Griffin (1999a, 1999b) and the Report Adult Education Trends and Issues in Europe (EAEA, 2006). An introductory working session will be organised for the participants before the formal opening of the course.

23.07.2012- Mainz: lecture 1 (9h-12h)

Introduction to the course
Basic concepts: politics, policies, strategies in education and LLL
Different levels of analysis: mega, macro, meso, micro
Basic texts: bibliography and policy papers
The globalisation process and the role of the international organisations in education: a “globally structured agenda” (R. Dale) and the case of the EU; the europeification of the national education policies

23.07.2012-Mainz: lecture 2 (14h-17h)

From lifelong education to lifelong learning
Social policy models: social democratic, neo-liberal, critical (C. Griffin)
Social policy analysis: discourses and practices
Regulation and de-regulation processes of education: trans-national regulation, state regulation, meta-regulation/supervision, micro-regulation, regulation by the market

24.07.2012-Mainz: lecture 3 (9h-12h)

A conceptual framework for the field visits to Brussels
International policy papers on LLL and its role (a global agenda?)
National, regional/local and organization policies and strategies: goals, concepts, legitimacies, target groups, pedagogic methods…)
The complex relations among the state, the market and the third sector
How to put questions
Preparation of the field visit to Brussels

24.07.2012-Travel to Brussels (afternoon)

25.07.2012-Brussels: guided tour (morning)

25.07.2012-Brussels: field visit I (14h-17h)

-Free time

26.07.2012-Brussels: field visit II (morning)

26.07.2012-Brussels: field visit III (afternoon)

-lecture 4 (18h-19h 30m) field notes, key words and concepts, policy discourses; group analysis and discussion; preparation of the next day

27.07.2012-Brussels: field visit IV (morning)

27.07.2010-Travel back to Mainz (afternoon)

28.07.2012-Mainz: lecture 5 (9h-12h)

Brainstorming based on the field visits
Role-playing (3 groups)
“On the right hand of lifelong education”: presentation by the teacher
Evaluation of the course

Empfohlene Literatur:
“Adult Education Trends and Issues in Europe” (EAEA, 2006): http://www.eaea.org/de/index.php?k=13942

Griffin, C. (1999a). Lifelong learning and social democracy. International Journal of Lifelong Education, Vol. 18, n.º 5, pp. 329-342.

Griffin, C. (1999b). Lifelong learning and welfare reform. International Journal of Lifelong Education, Vol. 18, n.º 6, pp. 431-452.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
NOTE! The seminar consists of lectures at the university and a field visit to Brussels. This means every participant has to attend the lecture and the field visit.
The financial contribution for each participant is approximately 130, 00 €.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 23. Jul. 2012 09:00 17:00 03 436 Prof. Licinio Lima
2 Di, 24. Jul. 2012 09:00 12:00 03 436 Prof. Licinio Lima
3 Sa, 28. Jul. 2012 09:00 12:00 03 436 Prof. Licinio Lima
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Licínio Carlos Lima