05.155.625 MA Ü. Theater- und Medienpraxis (Summer School) - Playing With the Rules: A Studio Exploration of the Trickster Spirit


Lehrende/r: N.N.

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Th-u Medienpraxis

Semesterwochenstunden: 1

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 4

Anmeldegruppe: Master Summer School 2012

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
E. Weitz
Diese Veranstaltung findet nur im Rahmen der Summer School statt und hat aus diesen Gründen eine spätere Anmeldephase vom 23.04.2012 bis 05.05.2012

This workshop will seek to engage at a practical level with various threads associated with the Trickster figure, as it appears in myth, folk tale and drama across culture and time. Although this character shares traits with the clown and fool in western drama, there are a number of distinctive approaches to improvisation and short-form devising to be used as interesting (and amusing) prompts in the name of a Trickster spirit. Operating from a basis of the shared, unspoken thought and feeling mined by humorous utterance, this spirit appears to play along the fault lines beneath a given culture’s ‘rulebook’ for approved, tolerated and forbidden behaviours. The workshop will attempt to explore embodiments for this spirit through several different approaches.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Sa, 7. Jul. 2012 09:00 17:00 siehe IPP-Programm http://www.performedia.uni-mainz.de/749_DEU_HTML.php N.N.
2 So, 8. Jul. 2012 09:00 17:00 siehe IPP-Programm http://www.performedia.uni-mainz.de/749_DEU_HTML.php N.N.
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