05.866.125 Lecture: American Literature I - American Fiction


Lehrende/r: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Am.Literature I

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Anmeldegruppe: Lecture American Studies 125

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This is the same lecture as 05.866.124- if you need to register for both 124 AND 125, PLEASE CHOOSE DIFFERENT LECTURES!

This lecture course will cover the history of American fiction from the eighteenth century to the present and examine the origins and developments of the various long and short subgenres. It will look at the initial indebtedness of American literature to European models (Brown, Irving) and trace the emergence of cultural emancipation in the American Renaissance (Hawthorne, Melville). Further focuses will be the anti-slavery novel and the short stories of the Local Color Movement, Realism (Howells, James), Naturalism (Crane, Norris), the philosophical and formal innovations of Modernism (Faulkner, Dos Passos, Fitzgerald, Hemingway), novels around WW II and the Beat Movement (Mailer, Heller, Kerouac), regional treatments of rural and urban life in the South and the Northeast (F. O'Connor, Percy, Updike, Cheever), the ethnic turn toward, for example, Jewish-American (Bellow, Malamud, Roth), Native American (Erdrich), African-American (Walker, Morrison), and Asian-American fiction (Tan, Kingston), and the impact of Postmodernism as well as of traumatic events like 9/11 on American fiction (Barth, Auster, DeLillo, Foer).

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Do, 27. Okt. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
2 Do, 3. Nov. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
3 Do, 10. Nov. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
4 Do, 17. Nov. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
5 Do, 24. Nov. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
6 Do, 1. Dez. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
7 Do, 8. Dez. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
8 Do, 15. Dez. 2011 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
9 Do, 12. Jan. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
10 Do, 19. Jan. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
11 Do, 26. Jan. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
12 Do, 2. Feb. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
13 Do, 9. Feb. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
14 Do, 16. Feb. 2012 12:15 13:45 01 212 HS 18 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung; Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
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Prof. Dr. Manfred Siebald
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung