02.149.163044 Seminar: Social Simulation


Lehrende/r: Michel Schilperoord

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: S Praxisfelder

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 7,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 30

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:

  • Master Studierende im Studiengang Soziologie (PO 2011, 2016)
  • Master Studierende im Studiengang Humangeographie im Kontextfach „Soziologie“
  • Master Studierende im Studiengang Wirtschaftspädagogik (Schwerpunktfach „Sozialwissenschaften“)

Stellung im Studiengang:

  • M.A. Soziologie: Modul „Ausgewählte gesellschaftliche Praxisfelder“ (PO 2011, 2016)
  • M.Sc. Humangeographie Kontextfach „Soziologie“
  • M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik Schwerpunktfach „Sozialwissenschaften“: „Ausgewählte gesellschaftliche Praxisfelder“



Social Simulation is a type of modelling for social scientists and computer scientists which has been gaining interest as a result of extremely affordable computing power and a rising interest in complex systems methods and approaches to understanding the world. Many approaches to simulation are now accessible to social scientists with some programming skills who seek to develop a deeper understanding of social and economic issues and problems, centering on “complexity” ideas: evolution, adaptation, nonlinear behavior, emergence and self-organization. These approaches have become essential tools for social scientists in a wide range of fields, sociology, economics, cognitive psychology, organizational theory, political science and geography, and are now also part of the toolbox for computer scientists interested in distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent technologies. Of primary concern are multi-level simulation models that allow simultaneous consideration of multiple levels of systems and processes of interest (social, economic, environmental), and have users alternate between views on macro and micro behaviors, and possibly levels in between. The most common approach to multi-level simulation, agent-based modelling, allows for hetero­geneity in simulated behaviors of the “agents” on the lower levels (representing, for instance, individuals, groups, organizations or networks). This provides to scientists the opportunity for (much) higher degrees of detail when observing “in silico” complex evolutionary phenomena, as opposed to some very abstract mathematical models.

This seminar offers an introduction to common approaches in Social Simulation. It opens up questions with regard to opportunities and limitations that characterize the state-of-the-art for each simulation method (on its own, but without disregarding the projects that seek to develop “hybrid” modelling techniques across strands of simulation research, building first and foremost on agent-based approaches). It will also assist in developing appreciation for the common elements of Social Simulation workflows, for instance: the theoretical discussion of a model’s conceptual framework, the data-to-model links, and communication of results of simulation research.

Learning outcomes:
This course covers a survey of practical examples of how leading modelers in social sciences apply Social Simulation for achieving a better understanding of certain social and economic issues and problems. On the theoretical side, it will provide an overview of Social Simulation and foundational knowledge on its common methods, their differences, with key literature systematically reviewed. On the practical side, it will provide guidance for reasoning about which types of modelling may be suitable for application to certain social and economic issues and problems, and how to make choices with regard design and implementation of a simulation project.

Course Requirements and assignments:

Assignment 1: Pre-class preparation

This assignment is about producing excerpts (1 page per text) from the text book.
Each student is asked to agree with the instructor on seven excerpts taken from the different sections of the textbook. The excerpts will be uploaded on Jugostine five days before the block seminar dates.

Assignment 2: Class presentation

This assignment is about presentation of a topic in class.
Each student is asked to discuss his/her choice with the instructor, and prepare a session from the syllabus. In certain cases, this can be done in cooperation.

Assignment 3: Simulation project

This assignment is post-class work on a simulation project concerning one topic of the syllabus (mostly the one chosen for presentation). The students need to present a short abstract and the contents structure for their simulation project to the instructor 10 days after the block seminar dates. The deadline for essay submission is the end of Term.


Empfohlene Literatur:
Gilbert, N., Troitzsch, K. (eds.) (2005): Simulation for the Social Scientist, Second Edition, Open University Press. http://cress.soc.surrey.ac.uk/s4ss/

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 15. Okt. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
2 Mo, 22. Okt. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
3 Mo, 29. Okt. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
4 Mo, 5. Nov. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
5 Mo, 12. Nov. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
6 Mo, 19. Nov. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
7 Mo, 26. Nov. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
8 Mo, 3. Dez. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
9 Mo, 10. Dez. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
10 Mo, 17. Dez. 2018 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
11 Mo, 7. Jan. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
12 Mo, 14. Jan. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
13 Mo, 21. Jan. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
14 Mo, 28. Jan. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
15 Mo, 4. Feb. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
16 Mo, 11. Feb. 2019 10:15 11:45 Philo II 03-102 Michel Schilperoord
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Michel Schilperoord