05.890.300 Sprachstrukturen/Sprachtypologie: "Transeurasian historical comparative linguistics"


Lehrende/r: Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Seminar

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 40

(C1) 19 October 2018: An introduction to the course, the Transeurasian debate and the languages under discussion.

(C2) 9 November 2018: How to establish language relatedness? How to distinguish inheritance from borrowing? Copies vs. cognates in Transeurasian lexicon and morphology.

(C3) 23 November 2018: Classification, Transeurasian as a structural type, substratum interference

(C4) 7 December 2018:Bayesian phylogeny, Inferences about the past

(C5) 21 December 2018: Interdisciplinary research

(C6) 18 Januar 2019: The Mainzer tradition in Transeurasian linguistics (Antrittsvorlesung) and poster presentations by eurasia3angle team on interdisciplinary research

(C7) 25 Januar 2019: Student presentations (German is OK)

(C8) 1 Februar 2019: Student presentations (German is OK)

(C9) 15 Februar 2019: Student presentations and wrap-up

Empfohlene Literatur:
Please read the materials assigned for the day before coming to class and be prepared to answer some general content questions about the readings during class.

19 October
Course 1: An introduction to the course, the Transeurasian debate and the languages under discussion.
(1) Starostin, George 2016. Altaic languages. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: University Press, 1-16
(2) Ramer, Alexis Manaster; Georg, Stefan; Michalove, Peter A. & Sidwell, Paul J. 1998. Telling general linguists about Altaic. Journal of Linguistics 35: 65-98.

9 November
Course 2: How to establish language relatedness? How to distinguish inheritance from borrowing? Copies vs. cognates in Transeurasian lexicon and morphology.
(1) Campbell, Lyle 2003. How to show languages are related: Methods for distant genetic relationship. In: Joseph, Brian D. and Janda Richard D. (eds.). 2003. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 262-282.
(2) Robbeets, Martine in press. Basic vocabulary. In: Robbeets et al. (eds.) The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages. Oxford: University Press.

23 November
Course 3: Classification, Transeurasian as a structural type, substratum interference
(1) Robbeets, Martine 2017. Japanese, Korean and the Transeurasian languages. In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.) The Cambridge handbook of areal linguistics (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 586-626.
(2) Thomason, Sarah G. 2009. How to establish substratum interference? Senri Ethnological Studies 75: 319-328.

7 December
Course 4: Bayesian phylogeny, Inferences about the past
Heggarty, Paul. 2015. Prehistory through language and archaeology. In: Claire Bowern & Bethwyn Evans (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics. London: Routledge, 598–626

21 December
Course 5: Interdisciplinary research
Robbeets, Martine 2017. The language of the Transeurasian farmers. In: Robbeets & Savelyev (eds.). Language dispersal beyond farming. Amsterdam: Benjamins

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Dieser Kurs wird als Kompaktkurs freitagnachmittags für Studierende des BA Linguistik der höheren FS, die die Module 1a und 1b erfolgreich abgeschlossen und noch nicht Sprachtypologie belegt haben, angeboten. Studierende des MA Linguistik dürfen diesen Kurs ebenfalls besuchen.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Fr, 19. Okt. 2018 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
2 Fr, 9. Nov. 2018 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
3 Fr, 23. Nov. 2018 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
4 Fr, 7. Dez. 2018 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
5 Fr, 21. Dez. 2018 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
6 Fr, 18. Jan. 2019 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
7 Fr, 25. Jan. 2019 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
8 Fr, 1. Feb. 2019 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
9 Fr, 15. Feb. 2019 14:00 17:00 00 011 SR 05 Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets
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Prof. Dr. habil. Martine Robbeets