05.008.200 Seminar: English Linguistics: Qualitative Sociolinguistics (BLOCKSEMINAR)


Lehrende/r: PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 05.008.200

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: ELing 200

Prioritätsschema: Senatsrichtlinie
Zulassung gemäß Richtlinie über den Zugang zu teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen vom 07. März 2007.

Nähere Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de/senatsrichtlinie

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
After an introduction to this fairly novel approach in linguistics via exemplary studies from the current literature, we will, in this class, adopt a ‘learning by doing’ method to empirical qualitative sociolinguistic research in the form of carrying out small-scale case studies.

To obtain credit, participants are expected to prepare two short (group) presentations in class: first, reviewing an article from a pool of case studies; second, engaging in their own (group) research on an aspect centering on the construction of social meaning via stylization, using authentic data and present their initial findings and insights, which will then be their exploratory work for their term papers.

Details of organization and study material will be available by the first meeting.

This seminar will trace a recent trend in sociolinguistic research that (re-)directs attention to essentially qualitative methodologies of analysis, that is, we will have a closer look at what is now known as Third-Wave Sociolinguistics, which conceives variation in language as constituting a robust social semiotic system that potentially expresses the full range of social concerns in a given community in which the meanings of the formerly underspecified, classic variables – age, gender, and class/socio-economic status – gain more specific meanings. It is the particular styles, or styling, of individuals that not simply reflect but essentially construct social meaning.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Fr, 18. Okt. 2019 14:00 18:30 02 601 Seminarraum PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert
2 Fr, 29. Nov. 2019 14:00 18:30 02 601 Seminarraum PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert
3 Sa, 30. Nov. 2019 09:00 13:30 00 465 P12 PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert
4 Fr, 10. Jan. 2020 14:00 18:30 02 601 Seminarraum PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert
5 Sa, 11. Jan. 2020 09:00 13:30 00 465 P12 PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert
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PD Dr. habil. Martina Lampert