05.866.133 Lecture 133 Cultural Studies: Methods and Theories of Cultural Studies


Lehrende/r: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 05.866.133

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
internet access, please see Modulhandbuch

This lecture aims at providing students with a solid understanding of key elements in cultural theory from the relations of culture and power conceptualized by philosophers such as Gramsci and Foucault to contemporary developments. Students will acquire knowledge of theoretical terms that can be related to past and current media phenomena, institutions and practices as well as to social and political issues. In the process they will develop a methodological basis for further cultural-studies courses.

Empfohlene Literatur:
Groden, Michael, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman, eds. Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: The Johns Hopkins Guide. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.

During, Simon. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2005. Print.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
An exam covering all of the lecture's contents (30 mins) will take place in the final week of the semester. Please check your exam regulations in the Modulhandbuch whether this applies to you.

Digitale Lehre:
Until further notice, this course will be taught online. The lecture scripts and the original texts written by cultural theorists will be available alongside audio-visual materials via the teaching management system MOODLE on a weekly basis.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mi, 22. Apr. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
2 Mi, 29. Apr. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
3 Mi, 6. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
4 Mi, 13. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
5 Mi, 20. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
6 Mi, 27. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
7 Mi, 3. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
8 Mi, 10. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
9 Mi, 17. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
10 Mi, 24. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
11 Mi, 1. Jul. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
12 Mi, 8. Jul. 2020 12:15 13:45 00 181 P5 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class
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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Monika Class