05.866.533 Advanced Research Seminar II: Disruption and Democracy


Lehrende/r: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 05.866.533

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 30

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Requirements for Credit

Regular Participation in class discussions
Research Paper

With the resurgence of xenophobic nationalism, right-wing populism, ethnopolitics, and religious fundamentalisms, in tandem with a deep-seated distrust of all forms of scientific evidence and democratic debate, liberal societies seem to be on the verge of being eroded from within. At the same time, processes of global migration due to economic crises, political unrest, and climate change have led to a renewed questioning of the cohesion and solidity of nation-states. These developments pose a profound challenge to the humanities, which are now called upon to explore the causes and consequences of the current distrust in democracies throughout the globe. The term of disruption lends itself in its double sense of revolution and innovation to an analysis of cultural, historical and political events which have radically effected the stability of democratic societies. In many respects, the United States of America epitomizes the idea of disruption and innovation from its foundation as a democratic nation which in the course of its revolutionary history has incorporated a multitude of people with different persuasions and provided the space and time for transcultural and transnational formations to evolve.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
April 21
Introduction: Disruption and Democracy in America

April 28
Klaus Schwab. 2015, December 12. "The fourth industrial revolution: What. it means and how to respond." Foreign Affairs. 12 Dec. 2015. Retrieved September 2, 2017: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2015-12-12/fourth-industrial-revolution.

May 5
C. M. Christensen, C. M. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Boston, MA: Harvard Business,1997.

May 12
Caroline Howard. "Disruption vs. Innovation: What's the Difference?" Forbes Magazine 27 (March 2013). Retrieved 17 August 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinehoward/2013/03/27/you-say-innovator-i-say-disruptor-whats-the-difference/#3ecd16516f43.

May 19
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835)

May 26
Tocqueville, Equality and Individualism

May 26
Henry David Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience" (1849)

June 2
Randolph Bourne, "Trans-national America." The Atlantic (1916).

June 9
Donald Trump, The Art of the Deal (1987)

June 16
Chatal Mouffe, The Paradox of Democracy (2000)

June 23
Barack Obama, "Race Speech" (2008)

June 30
Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope (2006)
Deliberative Democracy

July 7

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Di, 21. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
2 Di, 28. Apr. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
3 Di, 5. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
4 Di, 12. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
5 Di, 19. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
6 Di, 26. Mai 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
7 Di, 2. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
8 Di, 9. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
9 Di, 16. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
10 Di, 23. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
11 Di, 30. Jun. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
12 Di, 7. Jul. 2020 10:15 11:45 01 453 P107 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung