07.068.325 Übung Bilinguale Zusatzausbildung: Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht Englisch II


Lehrende/r: Patrick D'Arcy

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Ü:Bilinguale ZA

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 10

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
JGU is recommending a digital approach in this semester. I have 
e-mailed most of you with a plan, and now I would like to explain to you how we will work.
As usual, my course content, assignments and tests are all in the Mainz Moodle, link below. 
For verbal/visual communication, I will use Skype. It is simple, straightforward, and does all we need.
The procedure will be as simple as possible. On Mondays, at 12:15 we will 'meet' via Skype. I will present the topic of the week, take any questions, explain a few things, and set the week's assignment. Then I will leave you in peace to complete the assignment for the following week. If you would like to collaborate on an assignment in pairs or small groups, then do so in a system which suits you best. We can also chat about that.
So, we will meet electronically on Monday 20th April for a beginning.
Stay happy, healthy, and as stress-free as possible!


Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 20. Apr. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
2 Mo, 27. Apr. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
3 Mo, 4. Mai 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
4 Mo, 11. Mai 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
5 Mo, 18. Mai 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
6 Mo, 25. Mai 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
7 Mo, 8. Jun. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
8 Mo, 15. Jun. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
9 Mo, 22. Jun. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
10 Mo, 29. Jun. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
11 Mo, 6. Jul. 2020 12:15 14:00 02 146 Patrick D'Arcy
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Patrick D'Arcy