09.050.610 M4-MA Tutorial: Reading Course II


Lehrende/r: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: M4-MA T

Semesterwochenstunden: 1

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 15

Prioritätsschema: Senatsrichtlinie
Zulassung gemäß Richtlinie über den Zugang zu teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen vom 07. März 2007.

Nähere Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de/senatsrichtlinie

Due to the current situation, the Reading Course in the summer term is tailored to the topic of “crisis”. The term “crisis” is omnipresent in the last weeks and even before the Corona situation occurred, we have been confronted with "crisis" in various settings (e.g. financial crisis). However, most of us use the term intuitively, rather than analytically. Also in the scientific field, there is a debate on the characteristics and definition of crisis.
In this Reading Course we want to get deeper into the notion of crises by reading and discussing (online; primarily by using the moodle chat and forums) classic and recent texts on crisis, written by authors from different disciplines. The texts are selected according to the master program reflecting upon cultures of crisis, geography and media.

Digitale Lehre:
The Reading Course is organized digitally (moodle chats and forums; if feasible: online conferences). Participation in chats/forums is required. Further information will follow via email.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Do, 7. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
2 Do, 14. Mai 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
3 Do, 4. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
4 Do, 18. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
5 Do, 25. Jun. 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
6 Do, 9. Jul. 2020 12:15 13:45 Online Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Verena Brinks