11.016 Practice-Based Theory and Musical Creativity


Lehrende/r: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch; Univ.-Prof. Peter Franz Kiefer; Prof. Dr. habil. Birger Petersen

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 11.011


Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Die Termin sind im Block online

Fr. 19. Juni 14:00 - 16:00
Sa. 20. Juni 14:00- 16:00

und voraussichtlich
Mo. 6. Juli - mit Erasmus Studierenden aus London,ca 11 - 14:00
Di 7. Juli - mit Erasmus Studierenden aus London,ca 11 - 14:00

Listening across Disciplines : protocols and vocabularies
Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright
In this session we will continue the discussion about sonic knowledge, practice-based research and musical creativity, which we started on the 5/6 June. We will deepen and apply what we discussed then by considering a particular practice-based research project: Listening across Disciplines II. This project is funded by the UK Research Council (AHRC). It has a focus on sound and systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities and into science, social science and technology.
More information in the documents
www.listeningacrossdisciplines with a particular focus on the protocols and vocabularies section.
Reading suggestions:
• Ultra red, 5 Protocols in 2012, self-published [orig. for la exhibition in 2011]
• Pauline Oliveros, Anthology of Text Scores, Ny: Deep Listening Publication, 2013.
Furthermore the Hidrive is active and you'll find all material there:
Password is Knowledge
You could also invite interested friends, but please do not spread the word on facebook or similar.
The number of 30 participants we had the other day was good.

the zoom link remains the same:

The first two seminar dates are now also on Vimeo:

the last date before summer is expected to be July 6 and 7 with students from UAL and Thomas Gardner, who is the MA Sound Arts Course Leader.

We are all looking forward to the session, and hope you will too!

Peter Kiefer, Birger Petersen, Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch

If you have any questions you can always contact me: peter.kiefer@uni-mainz.de

with support of GLK innovative teaching project

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Inhalt für 19./20.6.:
Listening across Disciplines : protocols and vocabularies
Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright

In this session we will continue the discussion about sonic knowledge, practice-based research and musical creativity, which we started on the 5/6 June. We will deepen and apply what we discussed then by considering a particular practice-based research project: Listening across Disciplines II. This project is funded by the UK Research Council (AHRC). It has a focus on sound and systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities and into science, social science and technology. The project positions listening as an emerging investigative approach that is able to: access new information relevant to the pressing problems of social exclusion, dementia, lung health, auscultation (medical listening) and speech recognition; and deliver new insights to curation, music, art, urban planning and civil engineering, where sound can reveal hidden potentialities and contribute to our understanding of culture and how we live together.

At the end of the last session it became increasingly apparent that the language we have to speak and share about the knowledge of sound is important. In relation to this a main focus of this project are vocabularies and protocols: how can we develop a language and modes of working that can be shared and understood across disciplinary boundaries which is important to make listening a useful research methodology. Therefore, as part of this session we will consider the notion of listening protocols as a useful device to legitimise and apply sonic knowledge and research in the context of music, musicology and sound art.

In this two day lecture/seminar/workshop session we will discuss and practice the benefits and application of listening as a critical practice. We will introduce the research project, set out the terms and ideas of its investigation and involve you in its process through the consideration and practice of listening protocols.

The introductory session is followed by practical independent working. The results of which we will then present and discuss in a seminar session the day after.
Ultimately it aims to develop listening protocols in the context of your specific work and research.

In preparation of this seminar/workshop please have a look at the website of the project
www.listeningacrossdisciplines with a particular focus on the protocols and vocabularies section.

Reading suggestions:

Ultra red, 5 Protocols in 2012, self-published [orig. for la exhibition in 2011]
Pdf attached

Pauline Oliveros, Anthology of Text Scores, Ny: Deep Listening Publication, 2013.

Digitale Lehre:
Listening across Disciplines : protocols and vocabularies
Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright
In this session we will continue the discussion about sonic knowledge, practice-based research and musical creativity, which we started on the 5/6 June. We will deepen and apply what we discussed then by considering a particular practice-based research project: Listening across Disciplines II. This project is funded by the UK Research Council (AHRC). It has a focus on sound and systematically investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities and into science, social science and technology.
More information in the documents
www.listeningacrossdisciplines with a particular focus on the protocols and vocabularies section.
Reading suggestions:
• Ultra red, 5 Protocols in 2012, self-published [orig. for la exhibition in 2011]
• Pauline Oliveros, Anthology of Text Scores, Ny: Deep Listening Publication, 2013.
Furthermore the Hidrive is active and you'll find all material there:
Password is Knowledge
You could also invite interested friends, but please do not spread the word on facebook or similar.
The number of 30 participants we had the other day was good.

the zoom link remains the same:

The first two seminar dates are now also on Vimeo:

the last date before summer is expected to be July 6 and 7 with students from UAL and Thomas Gardner, who is the MA Sound Arts Course Leader.

We are all looking forward to the session, and hope you will too!

Peter Kiefer, Birger Petersen, Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch

If you have any questions you can always contact me: peter.kiefer@uni-mainz.de

with support of GLK innovative teaching project

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Fr, 19. Jun. 2020 14:00 16:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch; Univ.-Prof. Peter Franz Kiefer; Prof. Dr. habil. Birger Petersen
2 Sa, 20. Jun. 2020 14:00 16:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch; Univ.-Prof. Peter Franz Kiefer; Prof. Dr. habil. Birger Petersen
Übersicht der Kurstermine
  • 1
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Univ.-Prof. Peter Franz Kiefer
Prof. Dr. habil. Birger Petersen
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch