03.897.0020 Introductory Econometrics


Lehrende/r: Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk

Veranstaltungsart: online: Vorlesung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Intro Econometrics

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This course aims to provide students with a thorough background in the fundamentals of econometrics. After the course, students should be able to understand the basic concepts and methods of econometrics; should be able to read and interpret research and should master the basic steps for conducting statistical/econometric analyses in own research projects. This course furthermore serves as a basis for subsequent master courses in which statistical methods will be learned or applied.

Please note that all lectures take place in the first half of the semester.


Die Vorlesung vermittelt grundlegende und fortgeschrittene Methoden der Ökonometrie.

Empfohlene Literatur:

Stock, J.H., Watson, M.M. (2015), Introduction to Econometrics, Updated 3rd ed. Pearson

Digitale Lehre:
The lecture will be live-streamed via MS Teams. The corresponding links will be provided on Moodle and send to you by e-mail. All lecture slides and additional study materials are uploaded to the Moodle course page.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 9. Nov. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
2 Mi, 11. Nov. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
3 Mo, 16. Nov. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
4 Mi, 18. Nov. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
5 Mo, 23. Nov. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
6 Mi, 25. Nov. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
7 Mo, 30. Nov. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
8 Mi, 2. Dez. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
9 Mo, 7. Dez. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
10 Mi, 9. Dez. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
11 Mo, 14. Dez. 2020 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
12 Mi, 16. Dez. 2020 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
13 Mo, 4. Jan. 2021 10:15 11:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
14 Mi, 6. Jan. 2021 12:15 13:45 Marc Diederichs; Timo Stefan Münz; Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Reyn van Ewijk
Marc Diederichs
Timo Stefan Münz