06.008.0054 Ü Introduction to Anglophone Translation Studies: Translation -- Image -- Text


Lehrende/r: Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 06.008.0054

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 35

Prioritätsschema: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester
Zulassung gemäß Richtlinie über den Zugang zu teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen vom 07. März 2007.

Nähere Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de/senatsrichtlinie

Über die Senatsrichtlinie hinaus werden bei der Platzvergabe für diese Veranstaltung Studierende höherer Fachsemester bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
All questions relating to organisation and aims of the course will be addressed in the first scheduled meeting of the course. All information will be supplemented with instructor video/s and other files (PDF, PPT) available through the course website for this seminar. Detailed information and an extended course description, as well as all essential reading and viewing material will be listed and made accessible on the Moodle course website for this seminar.

Please check https://www.zdv.uni-mainz.de/erste-schritte-fuer-studierende/ and contact the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) directly if you have questions regarding your off-campus set-up.

This course critically explores the intersections between the three fields of cultural production “translation”, “image” and “text.”

Individual and group-work in-class discussions and exercises will be used to explore practical & theoretical dimensions.

We will read across a diverse range of studies and disciplines. A particular focus will be on drawing links with your own experience in the translation industry and/or translation studies & research.

Activities & Skills:

  • Identify key theoretical approaches relevant to the study of the intersection of translation, image & text
  • Critically examine the relationship between image and text related to your own translation experience, public & scholarly discussions
  • Study and evaluate text-image constructions of “the translator” in different media (social, print, film)
  • Identify the wider socio-political mechanisms that intertwine translation and multi-media publications
  • Explore available visual and textual avenues for translators to create a public profile

Empfohlene Literatur:
Required/recommended readings will be published separately on LMS-Moodle. 

All readings will be supplied as links only to the Library Resource or online full texts.

Please check that you can access these resouces after each previous session and contact the library or the ZFD in due time if you experience problems accessing the material!

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Feel free to contact me via email (subject line: Translation Image Text) for questions regarding this course. 

For all other questions (regarding computers, access to library material, etc.) please contact the appropriate offices.

Digitale Lehre:
Course Format: discussion-based seminar/practice

Each scheduled meeting will be opened with a brief introductory framing by the instructor, followed by small break-out group discussions relating to the course material, and presentation & discussion of the outcomes of these discussions in the plenary x 2.

A detailed schedule will be provided at the beginning of the term. Some changes may occur as we may end up devoting more time to some things than expected or make room for ideas I hadn’t anticipated. Each day has a guiding theme. Additional material we be provided/shared via the online learning management platform on LMS Moodle for this course. You are expected to regularly check Moodle the and your JOGU-StINe account so that we all remain within sight of each other as we navigate through this course.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mi, 20. Okt. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
2 Mi, 27. Okt. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
3 Mi, 3. Nov. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
4 Mi, 10. Nov. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
5 Mi, 17. Nov. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
6 Mi, 24. Nov. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
7 Mi, 8. Dez. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
8 Mi, 15. Dez. 2021 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
9 Mi, 5. Jan. 2022 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
10 Mi, 12. Jan. 2022 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
11 Mi, 19. Jan. 2022 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
12 Mi, 26. Jan. 2022 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
13 Mi, 2. Feb. 2022 11:20 12:50 N.105 Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling