06.008.0031 PS “The Darkest Years of the Republic” – The American Crisis of 1917-21 and the (Post-) Trump Age


Lehrende/r: Dr. Michael Lörch

Veranstaltungsart: Proseminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 06.008.0031

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 35

Prioritätsschema: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester
Zulassung gemäß Richtlinie über den Zugang zu teilnahmebeschränkten Lehrveranstaltungen vom 07. März 2007.

Nähere Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de/senatsrichtlinie

Über die Senatsrichtlinie hinaus werden bei der Platzvergabe für diese Veranstaltung Studierende höherer Fachsemester bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Apart from handing in a term paper (14-15 pages all included) by mid-August, every student will hold a short presentation providing a more detailed view on an aspect addressed in the book.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes”.
This remark, often (falsely) attributed to Mark Twain, imposes itself on the mind of the reader of Adam Hochschild’s most recent book American Midnight (Harper Collins, 2022). The book is concerned with the years of 1917-1920, a time that, in the words of a New York Times critic, “saw a swell of patriotic frenzy and political repression” as well as a “terror campaign against American radicals, dissidents, immigrants and workers” led and approved by the highest echelons of the government. A relentless war in Europe, a pandemic, social and racial turmoil on the streets, the democratic institutions in peril… The parallels between this all but forgotten period of crisis and our current times are striking.

In this seminar, we will critically read Hochschild’s book and confront the historic events with the currently unfolding democratic crisis in the United States. Are the two periods truly comparable? Is there something to learn from the past? Does history really rhyme?

Empfohlene Literatur:
Apart from Hochschild’s book, that I will make available chapter wise (feel free to also obtain your personal copy, be it digital or print), we will read a number of texts that help you to better understand the political, social, and economic context of both today and a hundred years ago.

You are expected to keep up to date with the newest political events. I will upload a bibliography of trustworthy news sources that you can feel free to add to during the semester.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
This course is open for students of all semesters. We will address issues of academic writing throughout the semester in a way that more experienced students can further prepare for their BA thesis and those who start learn how to a approach their first academic paper.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 17. Apr. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
2 Mo, 24. Apr. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
3 Mo, 8. Mai 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
4 Mo, 15. Mai 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
5 Mo, 22. Mai 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
6 Mo, 5. Jun. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
7 Mo, 19. Jun. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
8 Mo, 26. Jun. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
9 Mo, 3. Jul. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
10 Mo, 10. Jul. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
11 Mo, 17. Jul. 2023 15:10 16:40 N.307 Hörsaal Dr. Michael Lörch
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Michael Lörch