11.023.273 Thieves and Pickpockets: The Silent Histories of Unionizing


Lehrende/r: Haris Giannouras

Veranstaltungsart: Workshop

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 11.023.273

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Mortal Astronauts is a research program,
a compendium of materials, a series of encounters and a parliament of things.
Grounded on an expanded field of action, it will use shared spaces and experiences and gradually evolve through collective work.
Acknowledging dependency models, the program will be born out of connections. A network of collaborators from all fields of production (artistic
and non-artistic) will constantly evolve the activities and processes of Mortal
Conceived as a nomadic net,
it will take various forms throughout its future iterations, hosted in different
institutions. It will remain resiliant to definitions and behave on the basis of
inclusion and discourse.
The program’s first actions will take the form of a series of public encounters
titled “Thieves & Pickpockets: The silent Histories of Unionizing,” which
will consist of collective readings, a lecture, music sessions, screening events,
an open colloquium, and a public showing.
The events will take place at selected venues and online. Initial collaborative
partners include the Academy of Fine Arts Mainz and the Residency Program at Künstlerhaus Balmoral. More information on the time and location
of the events will follow on the website.
Mortal Astronauts is produced by Haris Giannouras.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 7. Nov. 2022 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
2 Mo, 21. Nov. 2022 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
3 Mo, 5. Dez. 2022 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
4 Mo, 19. Dez. 2022 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
5 Mo, 9. Jan. 2023 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
6 Mo, 23. Jan. 2023 14:00 16:00 01 316 Seminarraum Haris Giannouras
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Theocharis Giannouras