02.303.Z2 Z2 Special Course "Media Challenges in the Digital Era in Germany and Israel"


Lehrende/r: Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul

Veranstaltungsart: hybrid: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: 02.303.Z1

Credits: 4,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | 15

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This course is only for students in the field of communication. Regular students of the department of communication can take the course, as well as exchange students in this field. Students without prior studies in the field of communication cannot take this course.

This course has a special admission process which is different from regular courses: Students who want to take this course register in Jogustine for this course, during the official registration periods. After registration in Jogustine, please send a short (100-150 words) motivation letter that explains why they should take part in this seminar (in English) to Prof. Dr. Yossi David (ydavid@uni-mainz.de). Deadline for the motivation letter via email is the official end of the respective registration period. You are informed one or two days after the end of the registration period if you are admitted for the course or not. Please direct questions regarding this admission process directly to Prof. David.

Free media and independent journalism have come under attack from political actors who actively exploit social media to spread disinformation while often delegitimizing journalists and the media industry as a whole. In this seminar, we will deal with these phenomena by bringing together students from Israel and Germany to study current challenges for free media and independent journalism and, as such, for democracy and democratic structures. We will address the question of whether the media, the so-called "fourth branch of government" and especially concerning its watch-dog function, is under threat and how citizens can protect and strengthen these democratic institutions in the current political climate. The collaborative seminar will result in written and videoed projects that will be published online and promoted by the participating institutions to advance public discourse in both countries.

This seminar is held in ccoperation with Hadassah Academic College (HAC), Jerusalem. The seminar will include a weekly joint seminar with 15 students from Israel and 15 from Germany. In addition, we will host the students from Israel (dates: November 29 to December 3 2021), visit local media outlets with them, and talk to various media experts. We also will travel to Israel (January 10-14 2022) to meet with the Israeli peers, visit local media outlets, and learn from media experts. The students who will participate in the trip to Israel will be subsidized for about 75% of the travel and accommodation costs. The travels depend on the possibility to conduct them according to the COVID-19 restrictions in both countries.

The seminar project connects academic debate to practical aspects regarding the health of our democracies in the digital era. The project includes online discussions and lectures and excursions to Mainz and Jerusalem, which are accompanied by visiting local media professionals and visiting news outlets. The outcome will be publication of media products (e.g., news items, posts, and short videos) in each country. These products will be published on the project’s blog, in Hebrew, German and/or English for the general public. Students will be able to showcase the published projects in their C.V.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
This is an additional course which you can take additionally to your study program.

Furthermore, students in the bachelor program "Communication Studies" ("Publizistik") can chose the course as "Zusatzqualifikation" in module 9 (KF) / 6 (BF). Therefore, they have to fulfill the requirements for active participation in this course. Please register in the module 9 (KF) resp. 6 (BF) for this course when you want to chose it as "Zusatzqualifikation".

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Di, 19. Okt. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
2 Di, 26. Okt. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
3 Di, 2. Nov. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
4 Di, 9. Nov. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
5 Di, 16. Nov. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
6 Di, 23. Nov. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
7 Di, 30. Nov. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
8 Di, 7. Dez. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
9 Di, 14. Dez. 2021 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
10 Di, 4. Jan. 2022 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
11 Di, 11. Jan. 2022 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
12 Di, 18. Jan. 2022 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
13 Di, 25. Jan. 2022 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
14 Di, 1. Feb. 2022 10:15 11:45 02 709 Seminarraum Yossi David; Anna Fabienne Makhoul
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Anna Fabienne Makhoul
Yossi David