03.135.16420 U.S. Law in International Business: Selected Topics in Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement

Course offering details

Instructors: Elliott R. Gillooly

Event type: Language course

Displayed in timetable as: U.S. Law

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 64

Requirements / organisational issues:
Dozent: Mr. Elliott R. Gillooly from Georgia

The objective of this course is to outline legal doctrines critical to handling and avoiding litigation in U.S. courts, basic rules of civil procedure and discovery, and principles of judicial decision-making in the United States. Classes will be structured around important U.S. Supreme Court cases, federal statutes (including jurisdictional statutes), and case studies drawn from regulated industries. The course will also orient students to the location and weight of legals authority (administrative decisions, statutes, and court decisions) when conducting research on American law.

Topics covered will include: (1) the practical implications of Article III of the U.S. Constitution, such as the doctrines of standing and ripeness, (2) statutory interpretation in U.S. courts, (3) legal tests arising from the Due Process Clauses of the U.S. Constitution, (4) major distinctions between U.S. and German civil procedure, (5) common law in U.S. courts, and (6) how the decisions of adminitrative agencies in individual cases affect the legal landscape for all clients in a regulated industry (we will focus on the Federal Trade Commission's role in shaping U.S. privacy law and the Environmental Protection Agency's history of modifying air pollution regulations). Students will also be invited to submit questions for discussion in class.

Additional information:
The class is taught in English and meets on Wednesday from 12 pm to 2 pm in RW 4 (course 1) and on Thursday from 8.30 am to 10 am in RW 4 (course 2). At the end of the semester, there will be a computer-administered exam. Those who pass will receive the Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency (Fremdsprachenschein) necessary for graduation from the School of Law.

Small group(s)
This course is divided into the following small groups:
  • U.S. Law 1, Mi 10-12, RW 5

    Elliott R. Gillooly

    Wed, 20. Apr. 2016 [10:15]-Wed, 20. Jul. 2016 [11:45]

  • U.S. Law 2, Do 14-16, P 4

    Elliott R. Gillooly

    Th, 21. Apr. 2016 [14:15]-Th, 21. Jul. 2016 [15:45]

Date From To Room Instructors
There are no appointments.
Class session overview
Elliott R. Gillooly