06.008.0079 FÜ DE-EN Wirtschaft, Kurs 3 (LÜ & MP)

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly

Event type: Practice class

Displayed in timetable as: 06.008.0079

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 25

Priority scheme: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester

Requirements / organisational issues:
This course is for all students taking the module FÜ Wirtschaft D-E. Please note that is NOT POSSIBLE to take both courses (LÜ and MP) in the same semester!

In this course we will be using a cooperative teaching approach to provide the participants with an introduction to German->English  commercial and economic translation. We will work on a set of texts of a type you can expect to face as a professional translator and they will be focused on a fairly broad, yet still somewhat specific topic within the overall domain of commercial & economic translation.

Students will be expected to attend class EVERY WEEK. No unexcused absences are permitted and a doctor’s note is be handed in to the instructor upon your return from having been ill.

We will be working in a computerized classroom, which means that communication between members of the class (group work and team work) will be difficult. Instead, we will focus on each individual’s improvement of his or her translation skills into English. In order to get you used to working in teams (which will be required for project-based classes that you might take at the FTSK and of course for translating in the real world), several assignments will be given to you to complete outside of class in small teams. For those assignments, we will NOT be working in our regular classroom and you will be free to get together with your team members at some other location and time of your choosing. Those translations will be submitted to the instructor and will be marked and graded. These translations will account for 20% of your final grade.

You will be translating a new text in class almost every week. We will also spend part of each class reviewing sample translations done by class members.

Each person will be expected to submit a portfolio at the end of the semester comprising seven translations completed during the course. Both your rough drafts and your revised translations are to be submitted on paper. This portfolio will account for 40% of your grade for the course. We will also have a final exam towards the end of the semester. This exam will account the other 40% of your grade. The exam for students taking the Modulprüfung will be the same as for those taking the Leistungsüberprüfung.

An initial test will be completed on the first day of class to help you and the instructor determine your level of translatory competence in this domain.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Mon, 15. Apr. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
2 Mon, 22. Apr. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
3 Mon, 29. Apr. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
4 Mon, 6. May 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
5 Mon, 13. May 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
6 Mon, 27. May 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
7 Mon, 3. Jun. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
8 Mon, 10. Jun. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
9 Mon, 17. Jun. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
10 Mon, 24. Jun. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
11 Mon, 1. Jul. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
12 Mon, 8. Jul. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
13 Mon, 15. Jul. 2013 09:40 11:10 A.140 EDV-Hörsaal Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly