06.008.0162 Lehrpraktikum EN

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly

Event type: Work placement

Displayed in timetable as: 06.008.0162

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Requirements / organisational issues:
It is obligatory to contact the placement supervisor, Prof. Dr. Don Kiraly, BEFORE signing up for a teaching internship if you wish to receive credit for it! The basic requirements for placements are the following:

-- The internship is to involve at least 20 hours of foreign language teaching (any language including German will be fine, as long as the learners do not speak that language as their mother tongue).

-- The internship is to involve "teaching a class" and not merely tutoring! If you cannot find a suitable teaching opportunity, you may instead observe a teacher at work for at least 30 hours. Your teaching should be based on specific theories, techniques and strategies that you will have learned about in your courses in foreign language teaching at university. 

-- The internship can be done in any educational institution of your choosing (as long as you work with real classes and not individual tutees).

-- The internship can be spread out over one semester or can be compressed into any shorter period during the semester or between semesters.

-- Interns MUST sign up on Jogustine at the beginning of the semester in which they expect to complete the Internship.

-- An 8-page report on the internship is required. Reports of more than 10 pages in length will not be accepted. Your report MUST be handed in (via email or on paper) no later than the last day of class in a given semester. The report should NOT list everything you will have done in every class! Instead, it should present, in a concise and professional manner:

1. The nature of your work placement and the tasks you undertook.
2. Basic information about the group you taught and the subject matter.
3. A synopsis of your own personal teaching philosophy going into the work placement.
4. Some examples drawn from your actual lessons.
5. Difficulties of any type that arose during your teaching experience.
6. A conclusion in which you outline in some detail lessons about teaching that you learned during this work experience. 

-- You must indicate your immatriculation number on the report cover sheet.

-- The report is to be written in English.


Students may, of course, participate as teachers in the FTSK's Cross Borders for one semester (at least 20 hours of teaching) to get credit for this Lehrpraktikum.

Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview
Prof. Dr. Donald Kiraly