05.146.2061 Lecture: Literary studies I (Polish)

Course offering details

Instructors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall

Event type: Lecture

Displayed in timetable as: VL.Litwiss.Pol.I

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

In 2019 we are commemorating the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. On 1 September World War II starts with the German Invasion of Poland. The anniversary should make us rethink - in a comparative perspective - the way Polish literature dealt with the experience of the war. The following aspects will be highlighted in the lecture: How does the Polish literature react to the war and the German occupation - as well as, in parts until the summer of 1941, to the Soviet occupation? To what extent literature plays a role in the Polish resistance movement in a time, when the Poles were considered by Nazi ideology to be subhumans (Untermenschen)? What kind of inner differenciation of the Polish society in wartime does literature depict? How does die war experience effect the way of writing and the emergence of the cultural memory in wartime and afterwards? What importance does the Shoah have in Polish texts? What´s different and peculiar in Polish literature in comparison with other european literatures? How does the memory of the war develop under the changing political conditions after 1945 und what function does literature have in this context? Special attention will also paid to the question whether there is a difference between Polish emigration literature and literature written in the People`s Republic and whether 1989/90 marks a turning point of the collective memory concerning the war. Works of the following writers will be among others discussed: Tadeusz Gajcy, Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski, Czeslaw Milosz, Jozef Mackiewicz, Zofia Nalkowska, Miron BIaloszewski, Bogdan Wojdowski, Henryk Grynberg, Ida Fink, Hanna Krall, Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz, Wlodzimierz Odojewski, Jerzy Andrzejewski, Tadeusz Borowski, Tadeusz Rozewicz, Leon Buczkowski.

Recommended reading list:
For an general overview and information:
- Alexander, Manfred. Kleine Geschichte Polens. Stuttgart 2003.
- Assmann, Jan. Das kulturelle Gedächtnis: Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen. Ed. 6. München 2007.
- Bennett, Jill. Empathic Vision. Affect, Trauma and Contemporary Art. Stanford 2005.
- Böhler, Jochen. Auftakt zum Vernichtungskrieg. Die deutsche Wehrmacht in Polen 1939. Frankfurt/Main 2006.
- Broszat, Martin. Zweihundert Jahre deutsche Polenpolitik. Frankfurt/Main 1972.
- Burkot, Stanislaw. Literatura polska po 1939 roku. Warszawa 2006.
- Buryla, Slawomir. Wojna i okolice. Warszawa 2018.
- Die Deutschen und die Polen: Geschichte einer Nachbarschaft. Hg. v.  Dieter Bingen, Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg, Andrzej Klamt und Peter Oliver Loew. Darmstadt 2016.
- Drewnowski, Tadeusz. Proba scalenia. Literatura polska 1944–1989. Obiegi - wzorce – style. Ed. 2. Krakow 2004.
- Hilberg, Raul. Die Vernichtung der europäischen Juden. Bd. 1-3. Frankfurt/Main 2007.
- Hoensch, Jörg K. Geschichte Polens. UTB 1251. Ed. 3. Stuttgart 1998.
- Eine kleine Geschichte Polens. Von Rudolf Jaworski, Christian Lübke und Michael G. Müller. Frankfurt/Main 2000.
- Kuby, Erich. Als Polen deutsch war. 1939-1945. Ismaning bei München 1986.
- Literatura wobec wojny i okupacji. studia pod redakcja? Michala Glowinskiego i Janusza Slawinskiego. Wroclaw 1976.
- Rosenfeld, Alvin H. Das Ende des Holocaust. Göttingen 2015.
- Swiech, Jerzy. Literatura polska w latach II wojny swiatowej. Wielka Historia Literatury Polskiej. Ed. 6. Warszawa 2005.
- Zivilisationsbruch. Denken nach Auschwitz. Hg. v. Dan Diner. Frankfurt/Main 1988.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 17. Oct. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
2 Th, 24. Oct. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
3 Th, 31. Oct. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
4 Th, 7. Nov. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
5 Th, 14. Nov. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
6 Th, 21. Nov. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
7 Th, 28. Nov. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
8 Th, 5. Dec. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
9 Th, 12. Dec. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
10 Th, 19. Dec. 2019 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
11 Th, 9. Jan. 2020 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
12 Th, 16. Jan. 2020 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
13 Th, 23. Jan. 2020 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
14 Th, 30. Jan. 2020 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
15 Th, 6. Feb. 2020 10:15 11:45 00 016 SR 02 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gall