07.012.16_110 Scientific Writing based on selected Artifacts from the Middle and Late Byzantine Period

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis

Event type: online: Proseminar

Displayed in timetable as: 07.012.16_110

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

In this course, the basic elements of art historical research and scientific writing will be treated. Students will approach Byzantine art of the Macedonian (867-1056) and the Palaiologan (1261-1453) period by preparing short oral presentations on specific works of art. The presentations will serve as the basis of the final written paper on the individual subjects. We will approach the art of the Byzantine empire by methods of iconography and form analysis which will help us understand their meaning and give us a clue to their chronology.

Recommended reading list:
The Glory of Byzantium: art and culture of the Middle Byzantine Era A.D. 843-1261, Exh. Cat. in conjunction with the Exhibition "The Glory of Byzantium“, 1997 of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Helen C. Evans (ed.), New York 1997 (PDF online)

Byzantium, Faith and Power (1261-1557). Exh. Cat. of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in conjunction with the Exhibition "Byzantium: Faith and Power (1261 - 1557)" 2004, Helen C. Evans (ed.), New York 2007 (PDF online)

Schimel, Joshua, Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded, Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford University Press, 2012

Kruse, Otto, Keine Angst vor dem leeren Blatt: Ohne Schreibblockaden durchs Studium. Campus, Concret, Bd. 16, 13. Auflage, Frankfurt/New York 2007, (insb. S. 187ff: Seminararbeit/Hausarbeit; S. 189ff: Referat/Präsentation)

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 5. Nov. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
2 Th, 12. Nov. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
3 Th, 19. Nov. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
4 Th, 26. Nov. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
5 Th, 3. Dec. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
6 Th, 10. Dec. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
7 Th, 17. Dec. 2020 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
8 Th, 7. Jan. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
9 Th, 14. Jan. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
10 Th, 21. Jan. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
11 Th, 28. Jan. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
12 Th, 4. Feb. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
13 Th, 11. Feb. 2021 14:15 15:45 Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis
Class session overview
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Dr. Christine Stephan-Kaissis