06.008.0041 PC General Language Translation English-German, Course 4 (Course Assessment)

Course offering details

Instructors: Lothar Görke

Event type: Practice class

Displayed in timetable as: 06.008.0041

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 35

Priority scheme: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester

Requirements / organisational issues:
Target group:
- students of English, whose mother tongue is GERMAN

until 20 April, 2020, ONLINE / BY E-MAIL ONLY

Face-to-face (expected) as from 21 April, 2020
Tue + Thu - 1:00 - 2:00pm - Office A.237
(upon prior arrangement by email)

Contents:Function-, addressee- and text-type-oriented translation of general-language texts as well as non-fiction texts of various types from English into German

Improvement and consolidation of:
– level of native-language competence,
– level of foreign-language competence,
- level of textual-analysis- and research competence,
– textual comprehension,
– level of culture competence,
– level of communicative competence,
– level of transfer competence (translation strategies, consignment / skopos),
– level of textual production competence,
– level of argumentational and terminology competence,
– level of (self-) evaluation and correction competence

Provisional list of topics:
- Corona virus pandemic
- Brexit (if still up-to-date); US presidential campaign,
- total global surveillance by secret services and big IT companies,
- political/ populist/racist/demagogic/ideological manipulation,
- social media and ballot-rigging / endangered democracies,
- (lacking) protection of data,  privacy and basic human rights on the internet, 
- big data, social media, fake news, alternative facts, reality construction, data abuse, (right-wing) populism, racism, fascism,
- how the internet and the new media change our thinking, behaviour, and [work] lives,
- web browsers (add-ons / extensions), search engines, web tracking, cookies, trackers,
- neo-liberalism, tubo capitalism, increasing social inequality / injustice, divided societies

Recommended reading list:
Recommended reading list:
- Wikipedia,
- The Guardian,
- The Intercept,
- Süddeutsche Zeitung,
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
- Die Zeit,
- Deutschlandfunk: www.dlf.de
- Deutsche Welle: www.dw.com

Additional information:
Additional information:
If necessary, further information and materials relating to this course will be posted in my personal folder on our e-Learning-platform ILIAS.

"FB 06 ..." > "Englisch" > "Görke" > "Allg.-sprachl. ÜÜ E-D"

At the end of the teaching session ALL participants will take an obligatory test (Leistungsüberprüfung) covering the syllabus (late June / early July 2020).
Passing this test (Leistungsüberprüfung) is a prerequisite for the successful completion of this course and the respective entry into our electronic study management system JOGUSTINE.

Important advice on (later) applications for an exchange place at one of our partner universities in GB and IRL (Start: late Nov./early Dec., 2020)

When we select applicants / nominees for exchange places in GB und IRL we pay particular attention to, among others, the two following important criteria:
their marks (even if course instructors can enter "pass" or "fail" only in Jogustine)
at which stage of their studies applicants have completed  the modules Fremdsprachliche Kompetenz AND Translatorische Kompetenz.

In other words:
We pay particular attention to the question with how much systematic determination the applicants have pursued their studies up to the point of their application.

LAST UPDATED: 6 April, 2020

Digital teaching:
ÜÜ E-D - ONLINE tools
(German mono-lingual + multi-lingual)
Last updated: 6 April, 2020

Due to the temporary corona-related closure of our faculty library in Germersheim we can NOT borrow books from - or read them in the reading rooms of - our library at present.

There are at least the following mono-lingual GERMAN dictionaries available ONLINE as "E-Book", i.e. "ELEKTRONISCHE RESSOURCE" - as "VOLLTEXT" (UNABRIDGED TEXT):

DUDEN Bd. 1: Rechtschreibung. 2017
DUDEN Bd. 5: Fremdwörterbuch. 2015
DUDEN Bd. 8: Synonymwörterbuch. 2014
DUDEN Bd. 9: Gutes und richtiges Deutsch. 2016
DUDEN Bd. 10: Bedeutungswörterbuch. 2018

DUDEN Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. 2015
Kempke, Günter. Wörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 2018
Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache : DWDS ; ein Wortauskunftssystem zur dt. Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin : B

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 14. Apr. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
2 Tue, 21. Apr. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
3 Tue, 28. Apr. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
4 Tue, 5. May 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
5 Tue, 12. May 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
6 Tue, 19. May 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
7 Tue, 26. May 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
8 Tue, 2. Jun. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
9 Tue, 9. Jun. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
10 Tue, 16. Jun. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
11 Tue, 23. Jun. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
12 Tue, 30. Jun. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
13 Tue, 7. Jul. 2020 11:20 12:50 A.235 Hörsaal Lothar Görke
Class session overview
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Lothar Görke