06.008.0508 Project Week: GS/PC Eco-Translation – a Focus on Every-Day Ecologies (MA)

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb

Event type: Project seminar

Displayed in timetable as: 06.008.0508

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 15

Priority scheme: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester

Requirements / organisational issues:
All questions relating to organisation and aims of the course will be addressed in the first scheduled session of the course. All information will be supplemented with instructor video/s and other files (PDF, PPT) available through the course website for this seminar. Detailed information and an extended course description, as well as all essential reading and viewing material will be listed and made accessible on the LMS Moodle course platform for this seminar.

Please check https://www.zdv.uni-mainz.de/erste-schritte-fuer-studierende/ and contact the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) directly if you have questions regarding your off-campus set-up.

Eco-translation is broadly considered the ideas and practices that “knowingly engage with the challenges of human-induced environmental change” (Cronin 2017: 2). One of these challenges it the ontological gap that separates humans and nature into two different categories. In this course, we will combine post-anthropocentric and creative approaches to address this gap.


Preliminary Outline

Day 1: “What is your everyday ecology?" Part 1: a theoretical introduction to eco-translation; Part 2: Taking translation outside: participants are expected to create scrapbooks/mindmaps/auto-ethnographic diaries that map their post-anthropocentric everyday ecology.

Day 2: “The task of the eco-translator”: we will discuss the experience of scrapbooking/mindmapping/auto-ethnographic diaries in terms of how it shifted attention and identify the translatorial processes and ideas that are relevant to theorising this experience. 

Day 3 & 4: Participants will work in groups on creative-academic presentations of the findings of our discussion. This can take the form of collaborative creative writing, poster-presentations or other mixed-media.

Day 5: “Eco-Translation Day”: Presentations & Feedback. Open to the public. Will be scheduled on Friday/Saturday of calendar week 49/week 50 according to availabilities.


Note: for those who take this course as a Seminar (as opposed to an Übung) you will be expected to submit a 10-page project-sketch for a glocalised eco-translation project based on the findings and presentations of this project week. Findings and Presentations will count towards those 10 pages. Submission is due at the end of the term. (Date to be confirmed.)


Skills & Outcomes

Taking this course will give you the opportunity to:

Identify key eco-translation theorists and theoretical approaches.

Glocalise the eco-crisis discourse.

Gain experience in planning and executing cooperative project work.

Explore the relationship between technical and creative translation skills.

Consider and articulate academic findings in accessible formats.

Contribute to the notion that translators, translation and translation studies are crucial to the realisation of the transition to a more sustainable relationship with our planet.

Recommended reading list:
We will provide a list of recommended readings but you will mostly be asked to research and choose sources yourselves to suit your interests.

All recommended readings will be linked via LMS-Moodle to online or library texts that are available as fulltext download or browser reading/listening/viewing.

Please consult the library UB Mainz about how to access e-material off-site.

Additional information:
The core of this class will consist of a two-day workshop and self-organised project work that connect to the subject matter at hand. Your willingness to contribute actively do the discussions – orally and in writing - will be the motor of this course and determine whether you will achieve the anticipated course outcomes.

Assignments (a mix of traditional and creative exercises) may include:

Ongoing Reader-Response Activities, Portfolio, Discussion/Moderation/Mini-Presentation, Poster-presentation, Video, Creative Writing, Student Office Hours / Oral Essay-Pitch, Project Design

Weighing and Assessment:

to be discussed during the first session of this course.

Feel free to contact us via email (subject line: Eco-Translation) for questions regarding this course.

Digital teaching:
Course Format: workshop-based project week, including project presentation 

A detailed schedule will be provided at the beginning of the project week. Some changes may occur as we may end up devoting more time to some things than expected or make room for ideas I hadn’t anticipated. Each day has a guiding theme. Additional material we be provided/shared via the online learning management platform on LMS Moodle for this course. You are expected to regularly check Moodle the and your JOGU-StINe account so that we all remain within sight of each other as we navigate through this course.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Mon, 29. Nov. 2021 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb
2 Tue, 30. Nov. 2021 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb
3 Wed, 1. Dec. 2021 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb
4 Th, 2. Dec. 2021 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb
5 Fri, 3. Dec. 2021 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins; Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling; Melina Lieb
Class session overview
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Dr. phil. Spencer John Hawkins
Melina Martina Lieb
Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling