M.02.029.M092.A  Scientific Foundations of Specialist Science in the Field of Study

Module details
Module Owner: Dr. Hendrik Beckmann

Displayed in timetable as: Modul 9 M.Sc.

Duration: 1

Number of electives: 2

Credits: 4,0

Teaching methods:
Lecture, Seminar and Exercise
Group sizes:
See curricular standards from the 1st of July, 2013
Qualification targets/competencies:

  • Deepen and expand existing key qualifications
  • Gain new key qualifications of your own choice
  • Familiarization with selected in-depth basic knowledge from specialist offers of the parent discipline and their application to a specific specialist area

Key skills:

  • See contents
  • In-depth knowledge of English (written and spoken)

Interdisciplinary key qualifications

  • Social and societal competence (e.g. negotiation, conflict management, working with groups / teams, leadership competence, intercultural competence, team ability)
  • Methodological competence (e.g. media competence, information competence, problem solving, moderation/presentation, writing techniques, techniques of scientific work)
  • Self competence (e.g. time and stress management, motivation, creativity, self-management, resilience, personal development)
  • Competence in action (e.g. rhetoric, business fundamentals, foreign language competence)

Vocational field-specific key qualifications:

  • selected basics of science
  • Selected fields of application of the specialist sciences

Applicability of module:
Master of Science Sportwissenschaft
Participation requirements:
Types of examination:
None (ungraded module)
Value of the grade towards the final grade:
None (ungraded module)
Frequency of offer:
Module administrator and full-time lecturer:
Dr. Brundhilde Schumann-Schmid
Conditions for allocation of credit points:
Regular and active participation as well as the successful completion of examinations
Other information:
Some courses are held in English

  • Catalogue of eligible events will be announced by the Institute before the start of the module
  • The two courses in the cross-occupational and occupational field-specific areas of competence must each be from different areas of competence
  • Degree Program A: e.g. Studium Generale, Political Science, Journalism, ISSK, FB 02, Institute of Sports Science - Degree Programs B and C
  • Degree Program A: e.g. Institute of Medical Biometry, Epidemiology and Computer Science according to list of recommended courses, Psychology, Sociology, Institute of Sports Science – Degree Program B

Registration periods SuSe 2024
Phase Block Register from | to End cancellation*
Allgemeine Hauptanmeldephase Vorlesungszeit 22.01.2024 13:00 | 08.02.2024 13:00 08.02.2024 13:00
2. Anmeldephase Vorlesungszeit 08.04.2024 08:00 | 11.04.2024 13:00 11.04.2024 13:00
3. Anmeldephase (Restplatzvergabe) Vorlesungszeit 15.04.2024 13:00 | 19.04.2024 21:00 19.04.2024 21:00
Registration periods WiSe 2024/25
Phase Block Register from | to End cancellation*
Allgemeine Hauptanmeldephase Vorlesungszeit 01.07.2024 13:00 | 18.07.2024 13:00 18.07.2024 13:00
2. Anmeldephase Vorlesungszeit 14.10.2024 13:00 | 17.10.2024 13:00 17.10.2024 13:00
3. Anmeldephase (Restplatzvergabe) Vorlesungszeit 21.10.2024 13:00 | 25.10.2024 21:00 25.10.2024 21:00
* Please note that this cancellation period applies only to students, who have started the module in the above noted semester. If you have registered for the module in a different semester, click the "Cancel" link to check whether you are able to cancel your registration.

Number Name Mandatory Semester Credits Grenzen der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Veranlagung und Training No 2,0 M.Sc. Profil B: Grenzen der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Veranlagung und Training   SuSe 2021 Limits of physical performance depending on disposition and training   SuSe 2022 M.Sc. Profil B: Grenzen der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Veranlagung und Training   SuSe 2023 M.Sc. Profil B: Grenzen der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Veranlagung und Training   SuSe 2024 Belastungsphysiologie und Sportmedizinische Diagnostik No 2,0 M.Sc. Profil B: Belastungsphysiologie und Sportmedizinische Diagnostik   SuSe 2021 Exercise physiology and sports medicine diagnostics   SuSe 2022 M.Sc. Profil B: Belastungsphysiologie und Sportmedizinische Diagnostik   SuSe 2023 M.Sc. Profil B: Belastungsphysiologie und Sportmedizinische Diagnostik   SuSe 2024 Technische und pharmakologische Optimierung der Leistung No 2,0 Technical and pharmacological optimization of performance   SuSe 2021 Technical and pharmacological optimization of performance   SuSe 2022 Technical and pharmacological optimization of performance   SuSe 2023 Technical and pharmacological optimization of performance   SuSe 2024 Gesunder Lebensstil durch Bewegung und Ernährung No 2,0 Healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition   SuSe 2021 Healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition   SuSe 2022 Healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition   SuSe 2023 Healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition   SuSe 2024 Orthopädisch-sportwissenschaftliche Assessmentverfahren und Medizinische Trainingstherapie No 2,0 M.Sc. Profil B: Orthopädisch-sportwissenschaftliche Assessmentverfahren und Medizinische Trainingstherapie   WiSe 2021/22 Orthopaedic sports science assessment procedures and medical training therapy   WiSe 2022/23 M.Sc. Profil B: Orthopädisch-sportwissenschaftliche Assessmentverfahren und Medizinische Trainingstherapie   WiSe 2023/24 M.Sc. Profil B: Orthopädisch-sportwissenschaftliche Assessmentverfahren und Medizinische Trainingstherapie   WiSe 2024/25 Externer Kurs A (Berufsfeldspezifisch) No 2,0  
02.132.4035 Vorlesung: Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaften   SuSe 2022  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4220 Legal Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4090 Vorlesung: Einführung in die Entwicklungspsychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2022/23  
Colloquium Sport medicine   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.132.4120 Vorlesung: Emotion, Motivation und Gedächtnis   SuSe 2023  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2023  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4035 Vorlesung: Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaften   SuSe 2023  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2022/23 Sports Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4050 Vorlesung: Wahrnehmung und Psychophysik   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4060 Vorlesung: Kognition und Aufmerksamkeit   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16101 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2023/24  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2023/24  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4035 Vorlesung: Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaften   SuSe 2024  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2024  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2024  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2024  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2024  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4050 Vorlesung: Wahrnehmung und Psychophysik   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4060 Vorlesung: Kognition und Aufmerksamkeit   WiSe 2024/25  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2024/25  
FB02.03 Perspectives on Society: Exploring Scientific Implications in Germany and Beyond   WiSe 2024/25 Externer Kurs B (Berufsfeldspezifisch) No 2,0  
02.132.4135 Introductioni to Social Psychology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4220 Legal Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4090 Vorlesung: Einführung in die Entwicklungspsychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2022/23  
Colloquium Sport medicine   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.132.4120 Vorlesung: Emotion, Motivation und Gedächtnis   SuSe 2023  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2023  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4035 Vorlesung: Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaften   SuSe 2023  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2022/23 Sports Medicine   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4050 Vorlesung: Wahrnehmung und Psychophysik   WiSe 2023/24  
02.132.4060 Vorlesung: Kognition und Aufmerksamkeit   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16101 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2023/24  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2023/24  
Colloquium Sport medicine   SuSe 2023  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2023  
02.132.4035 Vorlesung: Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaften   SuSe 2024  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2024  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2024  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2024  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2024  
02.132.4280 Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4250 Introduction into Health Psychology   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4030 Vorlesung: Biologische Psychologie   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4070 Vorlesung: Persönlichkeitspsychologie   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4050 Vorlesung: Wahrnehmung und Psychophysik   WiSe 2024/25  
02.132.4060 Vorlesung: Kognition und Aufmerksamkeit   WiSe 2024/25  
Colloquium Sport medicine   WiSe 2024/25  
FB02.03 Perspectives on Society: Exploring Scientific Implications in Germany and Beyond   WiSe 2024/25  
02.029.EMA Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies No 2,0  
02.029.EMA Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies   SuSe 2021  
02.029.EMA Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies   SuSe 2022  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMA Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies   SuSe 2023  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2023  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2023  
Colloquium Sport medicine   SuSe 2023  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2023  
02.029.EMA Diagnostic and Prognostic Studies   SuSe 2024  
02.029.EMB Advanced Methods in Clinical Research and Epidemiology No 2,0  
02.029.EMB Advanced Methods in Clinical Research and Epidemiology   SuSe 2021  
02.029.EMB Advanced Methods in Clinical Research and Epidemiology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMB Advanced Methods in Clinical Research and Epidemiology   SuSe 2023  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2023  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2023  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2023  
02.029.EMB Advanced Methods in Clinical Research and Epidemiology   SuSe 2024  
02.029.EMC Genetic Epidemiology No 2,0  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMD Social Epidemiology No 2,0  
02.029.EMD Social Epidemiology   SuSe 2021  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMG Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases No 2,0  
02.029.EMG M.Sc.: IMBEI - Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (Blockveranstaltung 24. – 29.01.2022)   WiSe 2021/22  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMG M.Sc.: IMBEI - Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (23.–28.01.2023 Blockveranstaltung)   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMG M.Sc.: IMBEI - Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (Blockveranstaltung 22. – 27.01.2024)   WiSe 2023/24  
02.029.EMG M.Sc.: IMBEI - Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (Blockveranstaltung 27.01. – 01.02.2025)   WiSe 2024/25  
02.029.EMH Prevention in Medicine and Health Promotion No 2,0  
02.029.EMH M.Sc.: IMBEI - Prevention in Medicine and Public Health (Blockveranstaltung 31.01. – 05.02.2022)   WiSe 2021/22  
02.029.008 Sports Medicine II (Fundamentals of Physiology)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMH M.Sc.: IMBEI - Prevention in Medicine and Public Health (Blockveranstaltung 29.01. – 03.02.2024)   WiSe 2023/24  
02.029.EMH M.Sc.: IMBEI - Prevention in Medicine and Public Health (Blockveranstaltung ABGESAGT)   WiSe 2024/25  
02.029.EMI Therapy Studies and Evidence Based Medicine No 2,0  
02.029.EMI M.Sc.: IMBEI - Therapy Studies and Evidence Based Medicine (17.-22.05.21 - Blockveranstaltung)   SuSe 2021  
02.029.EMI M.Sc.: IMBEI - Therapy Studies and Evidence Based Medicine (09.– 14.05.2022- Blockveranstaltung)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.121 Fundamentals of Sport Sociology   SuSe 2022  
02.029.007 Sports Medicine I (Fundamentals of Anatomy)   SuSe 2022  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.049 Fundamentals of Sport Psychology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104b Humanistic Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.029.117 Statistics in Sport   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.104a Empirical Research Methods   WiSe 2022/23  
02.098.102 Fundamentals of Sport Pedagogy   SuSe 2022  
02.098.122 Fundamentals of Sport History   SuSe 2022  
02.098.107 Fundamentals of Exercise Science   SuSe 2022  
02.098.108 Fundamentals of Human Movement Science   SuSe 2022  
02.029.EMI M.Sc.: IMBEI - Therapy Studies and Evidence Based Medicine (Blockveranstaltung 08.-13.05.23)   SuSe 2023  
02.029.EMI M.Sc.: IMBEI - Therapy Studies and Evidence Based Medicine (Blockveranstaltung13. – 18.05.2024)   SuSe 2024  
02.132.1120 Psychological Diagnostics No 2,0  
02.132.1120 Psychological Diagnostics   WiSe 2021/22  
02.132.1180 Perception and Psychophysics No 2,0  
02.132.1190 Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology No 2,0  
02.132.1210 Learning No 2,0  
02.132.1210 Learning   SuSe 2021  
02.132.1220 Emotion No 2,0  
02.132.1245 Biological Psychology: Physiology of the Senses No 2,0  
02.132.1250 Biological Psychology: Neurophysiology No 2,0  
02.132.1270 Developmental Psychology I: Childhood and Adolescence No 2,0  
02.132.1280 Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood and Ageing No 2,0  
02.132.1315 Personality and Diagnostics I No 2,0  
02.132.1318 Personality and Diagnostics II No 2,0  
02.132.1370 Introduction to Work- and Organizational Psychology I: Occupational Health and Personnel Selection No 2,0  
02.132.1370 Introduction to Work- and Organizational Psychology I: Occupational Health and Personnel Selection   WiSe 2021/22  
02.132.2290 Differential Health Psychology and Emotion Regulation - Basics No 2,0  
02.132.2290 Differential Health Psychology and Emotion Regulation I   SuSe 2021  
02.132.2300 Differential Health Psychology and Emotion Regulation - Advanced No 2,0  
02.132.2300 Differential Health Psychology and Emotion Regulation II   SuSe 2021  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories No 2,0  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2021  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2022  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16601 Lecture: Sociological Theories   SuSe 2024  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media No 2,0  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2021  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2022  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16801 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Media   SuSe 2024  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family No 2,0  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2021  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2022  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16802 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Family   SuSe 2024  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies No 2,0  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2021  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2022  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2023  
02.149.16803 Lecture: Introduction to Gender Studies   SuSe 2024  
02.149.16804 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Organizations No 2,0  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture No 2,0  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2021/22  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16805 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Culture   WiSe 2024/25  
02.149.16806 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Social Inequality No 2,0  
02.149.16806 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of the Body   SuSe 2024  
02.149.16807 Lecture: Introduction to Social Network Research No 2,0  
02.149.16808 Lecture: Societal Development, Socialization and Education No 2,0  
02.149.16809 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Consumption No 2,0  
02.149.16810 Economic Sociology No 2,0  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2021/22  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16810 Lecture: Introduction to Economic Sociology   WiSe 2024/25  
02.149.16811 L: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation No 2,0  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2021/22  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2022/23  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2023/24  
02.149.16811 Lecture: Introduction to Sociology of Technology and Innovation   WiSe 2024/25  
02.149.16812 VL: Sonstige gegenstandsbezogene Soziologie C No 2,0  
Course/Final module requirements Requirements Compulsory pass Weighting
Final module requirements   Participation Yes 100%
Final module exams
Exam Date Instructors Compulsory pass
1  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
2  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
3  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
4  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
5  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
6  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
7  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
8  Electronic exam (ONLY for students without a sports science foundation course) Th, 13. Oct. 2022, 11:00 - 11:30 Dr. Hendrik Beckmann; Dr. Patrick Hegen Yes
9  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
10  Electronic exam (ONLY for students without a sports science foundation course) Tue, 21. Mar. 2023, 12:00 - 12:15 Dr. Hendrik Beckmann; Dr. Patrick Hegen Yes
11  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
12  Electronic exam (ONLY for students without a sports science foundation course) Fri, 11. Aug. 2023, 11:00 - 11:45 Dr. Hendrik Beckmann; Dr. Patrick Hegen Yes
13  Electronic exam (ONLY for students without a sports science foundation course) Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tim Bindel; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schöllhorn Yes
14  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
15  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
16  Participation Time tbd Dr. Hendrik Beckmann Yes
Module Owner
Dr. Hendrik Beckmann