01.053.605 Sources on the history of the Protestant churches in Germany after 1945, Part II: 1949-1968

Course offering details

Instructors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul

Event type: online: Seminar

Displayed in timetable as: Quellen Teil II

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 3,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: 3 | 25

Requirements / organisational issues:
The seminar will take place in German. A proseminar in church history is recommended. In the seminar, all exams, including a main seminar thesis, can be taken.

It is important to address the issue of migration from an international perspective. A German-Italian-Hungarian college has therefore come together for this course. 

The aim of the seminar is to analyze selected examples of the importance of migration in church history. Therefore we focus on topics from the High and Late Middle Ages through the Reformation period up to the 18th century. Geographically, a pan-European perspective and a global perspective with regard to the Pietism mission projects are pursued.

The focus of the course will be on working together on written sources. The goal is not only to convey knowledge of the "facts", but also to examine the wide range, frequency and durability of the phenomenon. Furthermore, typical conflicts in the context of migration and the role of the Christian faith and the churches in such processes are to be comprehended and introduced into a critical reflection on the theological foundations of concepts and ideas about foreignness and togetherness in late medieval and early modern Europe.

The following subject areas are planned:
• Beginning: "strangers" in European society of the late Middle Ages and early modern times
• High and late Middle Ages: Migration using the example of Hungary and the German Empire
• Late Middle Ages: Waldensians and Hussites
• Reformation: migration as a factor in the history of the Reformation (focus on Calvinism)
• 16-17th Century: Beginnings of tolerance in the German and Hungarian context
• 16-17th Century: Encounters with political Islam in Hungary
• 17th century: The expulsion of Protestants from France ("Huguenots") and Savoy
• 17th-18th Century: Settlement of ethnic groups with different cultures and confessions in the context of the new establishment of Hungary
• 18th century: Halle, Herrnhut and Hungary / Eastern Europe
• 18th century: The "ecumenical" concept of diaspora and mission in the Moravian Church

Recommended reading list:

  • G. Ammerer, Bettler, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, Bd. 2, 2005, 91-93.
  • A. Korányi, From Reformation to the World of Contexts – Special characteristics of Protestant church history in context of Hungary. In: Jahnel, Claudia (ed.): Reflecting Reformation and the Call for Renewal in a Globalized and Post-Colonial World. (Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen Neue Folge Bd. 36) Erlanger Verlag für Mission und Ökumene, Neuendettelsau, 2018. 61-67.
  • Ders., Zwischen Aufstieg und Überdauern. Der Adel in der Reformationsgeschichte in Ungarn. In: Breul, Wolfgang – Andermann, Kurt (Hrsg.): Ritterschaft und Reformation. (Geschichtliche Landeskunde 75.) Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2019. 293-300.
  • Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen, Migrantenkirchen, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, Bd. 8, 2008, 483-486.
  • Dies., Mobilität, ebd., 624-644.
  • Julia Mandry, Integration und Ausgrenzung – Versorgung und Ablehnung. Ambivalenzen von Armut und Bettel zwischen Spätmittelalter und Reformation, in: Werner Greiling, Armin Kohnle, Uwe Schirmer (Hg.), Negative Implikationen der Reformation? Gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse 1470-1620 (Quellen und Forschungen zu Thüringen im Zeitalter der Reformation 4), 2015, 11-27.
  • A. Molnár, Die Waldenser. Geschichte und europäisches Ausmass einer Ketzerbewegung, Berlin 1980.
  • A. Schunka: Die Hugenotten. Geschichte – Religion – Kultur (Beck Wissen). München 2019.
  • Ders.: Konfession, Staat und Migration in der Frühen Neuzeit, in: Jochen Oltmer (Hg.): Handbuch Staat und Migration in Deutschland, Berlin-New York 2015, 117-170.
  • L. Vogel, Reformation and Migration (16th and 17th Centuries), in: Reflecting Reformation and the Call for Renewal in a Globalized and Post-Colonial Worlds, hg. v. Claudia Jahnel, Neuendettelsau 2018, S. 37-50.

Additional information:
Those who are interested in an Erasmus stay in Hungary or Italy are particularly welcome.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 23. Apr. 2021 13:00 20:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul
2 Fri, 14. May 2021 13:00 20:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul
3 Fri, 11. Jun. 2021 13:00 20:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul
4 Fri, 9. Jul. 2021 13:00 20:00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul
Course specific exams
Description Date Instructors Mandatory
1. Participation Time tbd No
Class session overview
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Breul