05.866.000 Einführungsveranstaltung für das Fach Englisch

Course offering details

Instructors: Lisa Schaufler; Kathrin Scheufler; Alexandra Velten M.A.

Event type: Course

Displayed in timetable as: Einf. Engl.

Hours per week: 1

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | -

Requirements / organisational issues:
No registration required.

Though the general introductory session will be in German, we encourage our overseas students to join this meeting. More information on your course of studies and the rooms for the breakout groups after this meeting will be announced in this session.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Tue, 17. Oct. 2023 10:00 12:00 00 312 P1 Lisa Schaufler; Kathrin Scheufler; Alexandra Velten M.A.
Class session overview
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Alexandra Velten M.A.
Kathrin Scheufler
Lisa Schaufler